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Weight Loss for Everyone: This is another guy trying to lose weight. Hopefully it will stick this time around.

Friday, October 30, 2020

This is another guy trying to lose weight. Hopefully it will stick this time around.

I feel as though I keep sabotaging for myself whenever I start losing weight and I hate myself for it.

So quick background, 28yr old and have an 8yr old son. Most of my days are spent sitting at a desk because I am studying to become a fullstack developer, so not a lot of movement going on there. I am 197cm tall ( 6′ 5.5591″, thanks google translate) and weigh 136.7kgs(301.4 lbs), so I need to lose 40kgs(88.1lbs) which is a lot.

I used to be as heavy as 160kgs a few years back, but I managed to lose some, but it's far too slow and I am afraid of dying because of my weight before my son becomes an adult. I need to change things.

My plan is to post here daily to keep myself honest, even if I had a bad day, and also post pictures monthly of any progress I might have made. And hopefully in a years time I can look back at this thread and be happy with myself.

Today I will mostly study and later tonight I will meet up with my family and celebrate my cousin who turned 18, so there will be some drinking going on. I haven't been drunk or anything in almost 10 years so def not a regular thing. But there will be chips and popcorn there as well, so I will really try and stay away from that.

I have some pictures I just took of myself that will mark the starting point of this journey, but I can't seem to upload them here, so I will post them later if it's possible.

I'll check in at night when I come home or tomorrow morning. (Hopefully it's okay to use this as a sort of diary btw)

submitted by /u/BecomingaWarrior1152
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