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Weight Loss for Everyone: I need some simple tips

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

I need some simple tips

Hey y'all,

Im an 18 year old male from the U.S.. I've been chubby since I was around 13 and am currently pretty obese. I am starting to find it hard to move around, talk for too long without running out of breath, and am generally very lethargic. This sort of thing has only recently been commonplace for me, though. Even when I was chubby I still had tons of energy and never felt so easily tired out. Hell, even my lower back will start to hurt just after craning my neck to wash my hair in the shower.

I'm really ashamed of my weight. Not because of societal views but more so because I know I'm being ungrateful for this wonderful gift of a fully capable body I have. But I'll be honest, I have tried for years to be consistent and driven when it comes to eating right and working out and I have failed every time. So, I guess it's time to admit I need help.

I am 5'10" and weigh around 250. I'm not sure of my exact weight because I've used two different scales within the span of a week and they had a 20 lb difference between them, so I just went with the higher number. Before COVID, I used to weigh 200 and I looked significantly better and felt way better (although I was still trying to lose weight).

As for some weaknesses that you all might be so gracious as to help me with:

  1. I eat when I'm bored. Not so much sweets, more so carbs and meat.
  2. I eat when I'm sad or stressed which tends to be relatively often nowadays.
  3. I typically eat 1 or 2 BIG meals a day. I'm talking like 2000 calories or more per meal.
  4. I am not a picky eater; This may not seem like a problem but it really is. I will eat nearly anything.
  5. I eat when watching videos or relaxing. Without it, I tend to get bored.
  6. I also eat to help me nap. I struggle to sleep at night. Not sure if this is the cause or effect.
  7. In the winter, I find it hard to go out and exercise. I used to run a bit, but running is way harder on my joints now. Biking is an option but I lack the discipline and motivation to do it everyday.
  8. While I never particularly liked any form of exercise besides basketball, I now despise working out because it really hurts my body and my pride. I feel like an outright failure when I see how little I can do nowadays.
  9. I'm very limited financially so weight groups or sports leagues may be out of the question even without COVID.
  10. I don't really know what to do physically that would be fun. Biking is okay but not exactly thrilling. Running is hell.
  11. I play a lot of videogames. Not as much as some people, but definitely quite a bit. This makes my body ache a lot as I spend much of the day doing college work or playing games.

Kinda a long blurb there. Sorry bout it. I would be very thankful for any advice.

submitted by /u/Psychological_Cold_7
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