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Weight Loss for Everyone: Is a weight loss plateau real?

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Is a weight loss plateau real?

Over the course of a year I [18m] have gone from 270lbs to 190lbs, I'm 6' tall. 190 was my original goal but I decided I still had too much belly fat and could lose some more.

But this 190 to 170 seems much harder than 270 to 190. I eat 1500 calories a day, and I run a mile a day + 30 minute workout every other day. I am losing weight but it's so slooow. Like 3 ounces a week slow.

Do I need to change something or do I just need more patience? I keep a strict record of my daily calorie intake. It was dumb in hindsight but I used to think a plateau was just people getting lazy with their weight loss plans, but I haven't changed anything.

submitted by /u/Tlgerphobia
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