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Weight Loss for Everyone: [NSV] I cried in a dressing room today.

Friday, October 2, 2020

[NSV] I cried in a dressing room today.

Much like so many others on this subreddit, I’ve always been heavier. I can’t remember a time in my life (even high school, maybe even middle school) where I weighed less than 180lbs. During university, my weight even crept up to, and above 240lbs. Clothes shopping was always torturous. I could never find the clothes I liked in the sizes I needed, clothes never fit right or looked good, and I always left feeling defeated and horribly upset. I absolutely hated shopping for clothes.

Fast forward to today, where I ugly-cried like a baby in the dressing room of a clothing store for about 5 minutes. But this time I wasn’t crying because I hated how I looked in the clothes. I was crying because they looked good and for the first time that I could remember, maybe even in my life, I felt like I looked good and felt confidence.

In just over 6 months, I was able to transform my body from a size 16 in jeans and XL in shirts, to today, trying on a size 10 in jeans and a medium in shirts. And the most important thing, feeling good in the clothes I was trying on.

This journey hasn’t been easy, I’m sure no ones journey is smooth. But with consistent CICO (thank goodness for MFP), though never restricting a certain food/treat, and making a conscious effort to move more, this journey has been possible. Today was the first day I was really able to see the difference I’ve made in my body (Take your progress photos and measurements! This has been one of my biggest regrets since starting the process, is that I was too embarrassed of my body to take before photos and before measurements). Today was the first day, maybe in forever, that I felt proud of my body. And I feel like I can use this excitement and feeling to motivate myself even more on this final stretch to my goal weight.

Scales can show you the number you’ve lost, but if you’re like me, a number won’t mean much. Sometimes it takes more or something different to show yourself how much progress you’ve made. Find your thing that helps you keep pushing forward. I can do this, you can do this, we can do this.

Today I cried in the dressing room and I’ve never been happier.

submitted by /u/Cheystormm
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