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Weight Loss for Everyone: cry for help

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

cry for help

over the summer i lost 30 pounds, but i fell off the wagon while moving out and into a new apartment. i haven’t been able to get back on track again and everyday its just eating and eating and eating. during the day i’ll cook and be within my calorie range, but at night something will just cause me to eat and then i’m like ok, i’ll start next week since i ruined this week. i go grocery shopping to eat healthy, but then i go out to get food. first stop sonic, then mcdonald’s, maybe taco bell? no, let’s go home. i go home and then indulge again. i’m so scared i don’t know what’s wrong with me and i just need guidance.

for reference i just started a graduate program so any advice or just ... anything ... idk i’m just so lost

submitted by /u/appawat
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