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Weight Loss for Everyone: Confirmed addiction, advice needed

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Confirmed addiction, advice needed

So, I’m a sugar addict. Specifically chocolate. People always laugh in a “that’s so silly/endearing” way when I tell them but I’m sure of it and it is a problem. It really got cemented to me when I told the dentist about some of the phases I’ve been through and honestly it was nice to 1, hear it from someone else and 2, the idea be taken seriously.

I’ve managed (somehow) to give up chocolate before and after a few weeks I buy one for the hell of it and can only handle a square at a time... usually what happens is for some reason I push myself to eat more even though I don’t need or maybe even want to. If food is “just there” then I want to eat it. Partly a boredom thing I think.

Last year was an all time high because I lived in a city and walked everywhere and it was the same price to buy bigger bars? I’ve moved to a town now and am doing better.

Now in this lockdown half the days I think “I’ll buy nothing” and the other half I buy in bulk because it takes a long time to walk to the shops and because of my habit.

1, how do I kick the habit? 2, do you think it’s possible to (when I have kicked the habit) occasionally have a treat? I don’t ever wanna completely cut things out

submitted by /u/lmariealex
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