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Weight Loss for Everyone: Progress pics 30lbs down!

Friday, October 1, 2021

Progress pics 30lbs down!

Face cut out because… reasons.

Start weight I didn’t have any pics of because I was embarrassed by my body at that point and couldn’t face taking pics, but it was 253lbs on July 15th.

August 25th 239lbs

Today (October 2nd) 223lbs

Link to pics:

Really happy with the progress I’m seeing and it’s finally becoming noticeable I think, I’m close to my first GW of 220lbs and my overall goal is 198lbs which I hope to hit before Christmas!

I’ve been running a 1000 calorie deficit as well as going to the gym 3-4 times per week, I’ve also recent started weight training on legs with a PT to tone up and try and grow my butt since I’m gonna lose it as the weight comes off. My clothes fit better than they have in years and I feel healthier/fitter than I have in longer than I can remember. The biggest change has been in my mental health, I have a personality disorder and this has helped me to manage symptoms more than anything has previously just through exercise and having a better diet. The improved self esteem is a big factor obviously, but I’m feeling great about how things are going and hope they continue at the same speed.

submitted by /u/UsuallyExistential
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