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Weight Loss for Everyone: My progress so far - With a results picture

Friday, October 1, 2021

My progress so far - With a results picture

I hope this will motivate others, as other stories have motivated me. (sorry, my English isn't perfect. It's not my native language)


So somewhere at the start of the month, I decided to begin on my journey. I weighed around 87kg back then and was climbing quickly. I decided I no longer wished to be the fat guy. So I started on limiting my calories (1000-1200 a day). I cut all sugary snacks out (except on cheat day, then I allow myself a treat) and replaced them with things of lower calories (fruits, veggies, etc). Quickly I realized this wasn't working for me. I had insane cravings and felt like I was starving. To wrap things up, after some trial and error I found that high protein works amazingly well. I start my day off with a banana and a small cup of low-fat yogurt, that keeps me good till lunch. At mid-day, I eat high protein like chicken breast. With that, I always have some cucumbers and cherry tomatoes on the side to make the meal less boring. Somewhere between lunch and dinner, I eat an apple or a pear or something. The evening meal I found the hardest to control since I do not live alone. To limit the calorie intake, I stick to once again to protein-rich things or things that I find very filling.


Never liked doing it. But I've grown to like it. Daily I ride my bike an hour, half an hour to work, and half an hour back. I've been doing this since I started working there a few years ago. So nothing changed there.
I started off by doing some push-ups and running. I very quickly dropped the running, I just think it's so boring and not worth my time. I expanded upon my workout at home. It rather quickly became a 60min workout of push-ups, skater lunges, weight exercises, squats, and more.

I quickly realized that once you do it a few days in a row, it becomes a habit that's hard to stop. I also realized that my form improves every day, especially with the push-ups. Lastly, I like to note that I think I've grown some muscles. My body feels firmer if that makes any sense. And my workouts have been getting easier especially since my third week.

I've seen a lot of debate that you should either do it a few times a week or every day. My conclusion in this mess of a subject is that you either go all out and do that a few days a week. Or you go a bit less, don't feel sore, and do it every day. I found the latter easier since it creates a daily habit and doesn't allow me to just 'do it tomorrow'.

I feel stronger, I feel better and I've lost some weight. I started on 87kg and am now at 83kg. My smart scale also points out that my body fat has dropped by quite a bit from 30% to 25%. However, I don't know how reliable that scale is. It's fun data though.

Here's my before and after. The journey has just begun. But I'm glad about my progress so far.

Good luck everyone!

submitted by /u/Svyde_
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