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Weight Loss for Everyone: Losing weight with an injury

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Losing weight with an injury

I just need to rant. I've been working out for 2 years now and i had just started to really enjoy weight training. I injured my wrist while lifting and the doc had said that i'll be okay in a month. Now, a month later they told me my cartilage's probably broken and they can't make out with an x ray. And i'll have to not lift weights for a few months.

I hate running but like doing hiit. But i cant imagine losing weight without burpees and push ups and planks. I'll just have to develop a running habit i guess. I'm just frustrated because i dont know if i'll ever be allowed to lift again?! I know it's not a big deal and it isn't even a big injury but it kinda feels like this is it for my weight training journey idk.

Sorry for the negative energy lol

submitted by /u/viny_b1ch
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