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Weight Loss for Everyone: Help needed! From those who have lost weight and gained it all back.

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Help needed! From those who have lost weight and gained it all back.

For some context here, I’m a 23 year old male standing at 5’10 and I currently weigh 255lbs. I’ve had my fair share of weight fluctuations, having lost 70lbs between the ages of 17-18, keeping it off for a year through calorie counting and working out consistently. I skimmed down to 180lbs which put me around 13 percent body fat for my physique and although I was eating healthy and still squeezing in some foods that I enjoyed, I managed to get back into poor eating habits and gained it all back and more, reaching around 260lbs. Then between the ages of 19-20, I had lost 80lbs, kept it off for roughly 8 months and then my health took a turn for the worst. I can no longer fully exert myself the way I used to, limiting my ability to participate in cardiovascular exercise or any weight training and then I gained a whopping 120lbs between the ages of 21-22 (2019-2020). I was weighing around 300lbs at this point, binge eating and spending an insane amount of money because of it, but i somehow managed to get myself back on track and from may of 2020 to October 2020, I lost 70lbs dropping down to 230lbs. Since then, I’ve been struggling to lose any more weight. I’ve been struggling with my urge to binge eat, and I’ve been fluctuating mostly between 240lbs-260lbs. It’s been infuriating, tiring, and at times I feel like throwing in a towel and giving up. I followed all the right steps, avoiding yo-yo diets, etc yet I find myself here in this predicament and I guess I’ve concluded that maybe i’ll always have a bad relationship with food. I guess what I’m really asking here is if anyone has any advice. I’m not happy at this weight and I know losing the weight won’t necessarily make me happy, but it would definitely improve my health and make more comfortable in my skin.

TLDR: I lost and gained a significant amount of weight several times and recently hit a plateau and I need some advice in getting back on track.

submitted by /u/terriblykhan
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