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Weight Loss for Everyone: So far so good!

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

So far so good!

Not so long ago I was a bit depressed but I followed some greats advices from Reddit and so far it's so good! Was 280 lbs and in more than a week I'm now 274. Most likely a water retention thing for most of the weight but still it feel good to look a lower number on the machine lol.

What I do so far is drinking almost only water, eating better food and doing intermittent fasting. I usually eat a peanut butter sandwich with banana when I get up so I feel full and fine, then I eat a good dinner and after I don't eat anything, unless maybe an apple. I still drink a two cream two sugar coffee per day, hard to give up those habits lol but I guess it's not too bad.

I'm around 1300 cal a day and I don't really feel hungry, unless maybe a little bit at night. The first 1-2 day were tough but after it get better.

Still, I'm only at the beginning of the road and don't want to waste my efforts and don't want to do mistakes, so I was wondering if you had some tips to stay motivated and don't get the yoyo problem (getting the weight back)

My Tdee is around 3100 and my BMI is 35.2. Is it safer to eat more calories even if I don't feel that hungry at the moment?

I only do like 10 push up a day for now, focusing on diet. Before I was doing jogging but I was way more hungry so it was tough to not binge eating. Do you think I still should do more cardio, more strengh exercice?

I read something in this forum about the ''no more zero day'', a bit old but very useful advices, like to focus on the positive, not ''Man I could have done better'' but more like ''Hey I did fine, 15 mins exercice is still way more better than zero exercice''.

One thing I noticed too, since I was eating like 1600-1700 calories each night before sleeping, I stopped that and expected weight loss (which happened) but I also breathe wayyyy better, it feel weird. I didn't noticed I was breathing that badly before that moment. Feel good.

Anyway, thanks a lot to everyone here, it's a very nice forum.

submitted by /u/DracoQC
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