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Weight Loss for Everyone: Please do NOT try to punish yourself by starving

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Please do NOT try to punish yourself by starving

I try to lose weight by doing CICO (1200 calories) and home exercises (the ones you find on YouTube). 1 because it stops me boredom eating and 2 you feel better mentally after exercise.

i had 3 - 4 days where i ate at least 2500 calories each because of many social events where i just chucked junk food our friends ordered. as you can expect, i also didnt exercise. i felt pretty guilty at this point so i decided yesterday that "hey! to compensate for all those calories, i'll starve for one day and i can "reset" that surplus!".

and so i did. i also did my usual YouTube exercises again (on an empty stomach). I slept really early yesterday, thinking to myself "ah i guess im just tired because i havent eaten anything, i'll wake up tomorrow and have a bigger breakfast". fast forward to this morning, i wake up pretty tired so i was just going to fall back asleep for a bit, but something in me made me feel like "i need sugar in my body, or else my body will be so tired i wont wake up again" (that last bit is obviously an exaggeration, but just to convey how shit i felt). i remember my heartbeat was at a weird pace, and my entire body was shaking when i tried to walk, reach for my phone, or anything. so i sprung to the kitchen and just chucked whatever was available (which was 2 plums and a caramel frapp bottle from Starbucks). my heartbeat started racing dramatically, i felt scared af because my hands were practically trembling when drinking the frapp as if i was in a blizzard or smth. its been 1 hour since ive had food and all those effects have subsided.

i just wanted to share my experience so that everyone else who is on this journey DOES NOT do this. dont starve yourself. dont try to "compensate" for your mistakes. everyday is a new day and u dont hv to punish yourself for it. now im not saying starving yourself would 100% cause what i felt, there are indeed many people who did CICO with 1 day on and 1 day off. but for someone like me who eats everyday, especially overeating the past few days, to suddenly go into starvation + exercising whilst starving, its gonna cause ur body to go haywire and i do not recommend it in the slightest.

TLDR: starving myself caused immensely adverse physical consequences, please learn from my experience and NEVER DO THAT

submitted by /u/Paperonia
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