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Weight Loss for Everyone: I binged start of this week and now idk what to do

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

I binged start of this week and now idk what to do

(Disclaimer: I have and still am struggling with disordered eating.. also for the record I'm a 21 yr old woman, 5"5' and 140lbs; my TDEE.. if I did the math right.. is 1681 meaning I should rly be eating 1181 daily to be losing weight but I rounded it to 1200 for now)

It's week 2 of my "weight loss journey" (eating 1200cal/day or 8400cal/week). Week 1 went pretty well and I was really proud of my control and ability to follow through on my decisions.. but then Sunday of Week 2 my plans derailed and I ended up binging hard.

On Sunday I ate around 2767 calories. On Monday I was so regretful and stressed out bc that meant I wouldn't be able to eat 1200cal for the rest of the days this week and instead I'd have to stick to around 938cal if I want to stay within 8400cal/week to lose a pound.

On Monday I was incredibly down and only ate 679 calories. Yesterday (Tuesday) I ate 1279 calories.

Today I so far ate 905 calories. I want to eat dinner.. but also I want to lose a pound a week and because of my Sunday binge I'm not able to eat the 1200 calories. I went swimming today so my brain is trying to justify eating dinner bc I technically burned calories but I'm reading online and most ppl on their weight loss journeys advise not to count calories burned from exercise bc it can be inaccurate and how weight loss is 99% diet and calories.

I don't know what I should do. Eating 1200cal/day for the rest of week 2 would mean not staying under 8400cal/week meaning I won't have made any progress. Eating 938cal/day sounds..... awful and I'm kicking myself mentally for binging on Sunday and causing this whole problem. Monday only eating 679 calories was awful and today only eating 905 calories is.. ok for now but I so want to eat something. Arghhhh idk what to do anyone have any words of advice..?

submitted by /u/pacuthefish
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