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Weight Loss for Everyone: I’ve logged everything I’ve eaten for a week!

Monday, October 26, 2020

I’ve logged everything I’ve eaten for a week!

I’m currently a 28 year old female who is 5’4 and 235lbs. There has never been a moment since I was a pre-teen where my weight wasn’t at the forefront of my mind.

I have tried calorie tracking, restrictions, killing myself at the gym, intermittent fasting, OMAD, you name it, I’ve tried it. (Except keto because carbs are one of my favorite things about life)

I started Noom (for the second time) a week ago today and something just feels different. Maybe it’s because I’ve learned to call myself out on my bullshit. I know I’m in the super-motivated beginning phase, but I’ve never felt this confident. I don’t feel like I’m missing out at all. Today, my lunch break rolled around and I wasn’t hungry, so I didn’t eat. This is kind of huge for me...I’ve always been the person that eats just because it’s time to eat or because food exists within my planetary orbit. The psychology behind Noom has actually made me stop and think “Am I hungry or is this the devil on my shoulder talking?” Thinking before I eat has made all the difference.

The point of this post: I just wanted to brag on myself because even though I have tried calorie tracking probably a dozen times, this is the first time I’ve gone an entire week tracking EVERYTHING SINGLE PIECE OF FOOD I have eaten. Even the night that I went over my calorie budget. I would usually just say fuck it and start binging if I went over, but I recognized that this was a special meal that I rarely get to eat and that I should enjoy it, not feel guilty, stop when I’m full, and try again tomorrow. I’m already down 7lbs! I know this is mostly water weight and I shouldn’t get used to seeing the scale move that dramatically all the time, but I am thrilled with how I’ve started off. Here’s to the next 105lbs coming off!

If you’re reading this, you are stronger than your bad habits and addictions. The number on the scale is just your mass, not a measure of your worth.

submitted by /u/YerAWizardCarrie
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