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Weight Loss for Everyone: I gained back 7 lbs. No, I didn’t berate myself.

Friday, October 2, 2020

I gained back 7 lbs. No, I didn’t berate myself.

An estimated months time from my goal weight of 140lbs I had finally made it to 143 lbs.. and then, the stress hit.

Financial problems, family problems, relationship problems, dental problems. So much. So I decided, to hell with it. I indulged. At some of the worst places to do so. (Steak n shake, Taco Bell, sonic, dominos) For about 3 or so weeks. I knew what I was doing. I didn’t stop myself.

And then I got back on the scale, back up to 150 lbs. -Sigh-

For a second, I got really, really sad. A few select phrases of self loathing crossed my mind. I got into the shower, and then I stopped.

I decided instead of wallowing in my own self pity, to just own up to my mistakes. Own up to being human and maybe not always having it together. I ate like crap for several weeks, completely aware of it, and these were the consequences. 7 heavy pounds of consequences.

This journey is life long and I’m only human. That said, I deserve better than the garbage I was putting into my body. I deserve to feel good. I deserve to look good. I want food to be fuel. I want exercise to be a reward for being alive and healthy, not a punishment for feeling inadequate.

Today forward, I promise to speak kindly to myself and my journey. I will lose this 10 lbs. I may lose 10 more, who knows. I will give myself the body and love it should have been given years ago.

I cannot be who I was before, 280 lbs and gaining. I want to be here for my family. I want to be here for my future children. I want to be here for my niece and nephew. I want to be able to teach my future children the importance of nutrition. I cannot ever allow my weight to control my life like it once did again. I also can’t allow my brain to be so unkind to itself either.

I want to manifest love throughout this journey, not self hatred and shame.

Be kind to yourselves is all I’m really saying.

submitted by /u/roolyons32711
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