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Weight Loss for Everyone: The COVID cut

Thursday, April 2, 2020

The COVID cut

I was doing a good job cutting calories for quite some time. I went from my high of 245.6 down to 195 at the lowest in March of 2018. I have been incentivizing myself to lose weight. For a while I was only giving myself incentives for new lows once I hit my high. But then I started to climb a couple times. This most recent time started back in August. I was on my way up (205.2) in Feb, then back down until August (199.1) when I started my most recent climb.

The last attempt I had to lose weight seemed fruitless. I climbed to 209.7. I wanted to lose 15, then 10 lbs, then only 5. But it didn't matter. So I changed my strategy. I had fallen into a habit of eating custard or ice cream daily. Often times before bed as a sort of routine. So rather than focusing on losing weight, I said I wouldn't eat custard or ice cream for a month. Well, that worked out very well. I did make it a month. I intended to pick up some custard when it was over. One of my friends suggested still eating it but limiting it to once a month. COVID-19 got in the way of that, so I haven't had any.

Since I made this agreement to myself, I have gotten back on the horse. I am tracking my weight daily, weekly and monthly. So on March 1, I weighed down 1.3 lbs from February 1. On April 1, I weighed down 3 lbs from March 1. It feels great but I know I need to keep focus.

The incentive was an item that I wanted but didn't need. It wasn't cheap but not too expensive either. About $90. In the past I would have just bought it. But it felt good to earn it. I felt like I might get some grief from my wife for buying it. But I told her why I was treating myself and she didn't make a peep.

It was way cheaper than going to a trainer.

submitted by /u/weeple2000
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