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Weight Loss for Everyone: Hello fellow peepole- A Note to Self

Friday, April 24, 2020

Hello fellow peepole- A Note to Self

Okay, fuck it.... I've been stalking this subreddit for about 2 months now which isn't even a dent in comparison to how long I've been trying to lose weight. I just figured that scrolling down here or watching endless videos of people's weight loss journey wasn't going to magically make me lose weight. I just have to do something about it. So here is the first step I'm making...

Hi, I'm 18F 5'5 175lbs and my goal has been 130 since I was in middle school... I legit have "Goal Weight: 133lbs by 2016" still written on my door. The main problem I've noticed with my lack of progress is a mirrored lack of consistency. I will workout or meal plan for about 3 days and then I just stop. I don't know if its a motivation thing or what but genuinely the most I've been able to commit to is a week. I think I just expect to see progress so fast and if I don't I get discouraged. I've also realized a have a binging problem. I will eat and eat and eat, even if I'm full it's like my body isn't able to tell my brain that it's done. I eat when I'm bored, when I'm sad, when I'm happy. And most of the time its just junk.

I need to start setting small goals for myself. Not just "I want to lose 45 pounds" but ones that I can slowly work towards. Ones that will create a habit and an emotional change within myself. I'm tired of hating myself and hating the way I look. Today is the day I make the pledge to myself I treat myself the way I deserve to be treated.

Thanks for reading if you made it this far I appreciate it :) I'm happy to finally join r/loseit Time to stop running from my fears and start literally running

submitted by /u/jiggzeyy
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