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Weight Loss for Everyone: Spent 1 month losing 7 lbs only to gain it in 3 days due to taking a medication

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Spent 1 month losing 7 lbs only to gain it in 3 days due to taking a medication

I have been tracking my calories, watching what I eat, and successfully lost 7 lbs this month.

But I recently got sick and my doctor prescribed me some medication that causes weight gain, severe water retention & makes my face very puffy so I gained all the weight back in just 3 days.

I know it’s just water weight but I am so angry at myself and my body. I have to finish my meds but I want to flush it down the toilet. All that hard work for nothing, and I look even worse because of my puffy bloated face & stomach. I can’t even look at myself in the mirror because I’m so disgusted with how bloated I look.

submitted by /u/saintguccibby
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