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Weight Loss for Everyone: "Just know that if you hide it doesn't go away"

Monday, October 25, 2021

"Just know that if you hide it doesn't go away"

Yes, like from the song lol

Except in this context, we’re talking about cravings. When I was at my worst, I would eat crap everyday imagining I would magically not want that food anymore and would be on the fast track to a Mr. Olympia or marathon the next Monday. How much promise Monday always held!

We all know what happens the following Friday and Saturday though.

The time it really clicked for me, and I lost my 40+ pounds is when I just stopped fighting and running away from my cravings. I began to work with them, negotiate with them, and learn from them. It took years but I have a much better grasp on when to give a little so I don’t break and when to push back.

If I never met them head on I would probably be stuck in the same cycle today.

I'm seeing abs peek out for the first time in my life and really am starting to be happy with where I’m at, but I still love the exact same foods as 40 pounds ago- just less of them and in strategic places.

submitted by /u/TouperTrooper55
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