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Weight Loss for Everyone: Doctor against cico and keeps pushing keto

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Doctor against cico and keeps pushing keto

Hi guys!

I have been seeing this obesity "specialist" (she's a family doctor but she's part of an obesity clinic in my neighbourhood) since September, and I have to say that I kind of want to maybe get a second opinion.

The first time I saw her, she suggested a combination of IF with keto. I told her upfront that I do like IF but that I didn't think keto was sustainable for me personally, and she said it's the best and to just try it. Though skeptical, I did try keto and stuck with it for two weeks before I wasn't able to do it. It took away absolutely everything that I like (and I'm not talking junk food or sweets here) as well and made cultural foods unenjoyable. My mood degraded and it made me obsessive over food, just like I used to be when I was younger, with disordered eating tendencies.

Anyway, I stopped keto. It wasn't sustainable for me, and I've always strongly believed that weight loss requires a sustainable lifestyle change. That doesn't mean I stopped trying to lose weight, or that I stopped intermittent fasting. I've been doing a sort of "mindful" CICO, where I know more or less what my calorie goal for the day should be. I've done CICO religiously before, so I'm generally pretty good at estimating. With this method, I am much happier, and I've successfully lost nearly 30 pounds now since September 15th. I wanted to eventually start "stricter" CICO, as in more precise counting.

I met with her again last week and explained everything I just said above. Obviously, she was very happy that I was successfully losing weight. However, she told me that the fact that I didn't find keto sustainable meant I had a food addiction. She said I need to be able to eat very low carb. I told her that I did lower my carb intake, for the sole reason that protein and fat are more filling and thus take up a big part of my caloric intake, but that it's nowhere near the low carb/zero carb limit that she showed me before. She once again said that wasn't good and that I need to eat low carb and that the only reason I want to continue eating carbs is because I have a food addiction.

Now, I didn't like that she told me that. I don't like the fact that she keeps pushing low carb on me despite me telling her that it wasn't for me and that I didn't find it sustainable. There have been countless cases of people losing weight while eating carbs, so I don't understand why she keeps pushing it.

Also, she said that she highly advises against CICO, because it will destroy my metabolism and be ineffective in the end. She then starting talking about a phenomenon which sounded to me an awful lot like the dreaded starvation mode myth ( has been debunked a bunch of times) . I don't understand her, or how CICO possibly couldn't be effective. S

he also said that she doesn't think that exercise is a good supplement to weight loss because it puts our body into "hunter mode" or something like that. She said she does like it as a stress management tool, but nothing more.

I actually do not really understand her. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that keto is awful and CICO is perfect. I am just saying that I think keto is not sustainable for me , but that IF and CICO are.

I really hate how she keeps pushing keto and disregarding that what I've been doing makes me happy and is effective and sustainable.

I have a lot of respect for doctors and I am usually very trusting, but not this timeI feel like I should consult another obesity doctor who may not be as keen on the keto diet as she is.

What do you guys think?

TL;DR: doctor recommended keto, I didn't find it to be sustainable for me. I did CICO and IF and am happier and have succesfully lost 30lbs. Doctor says CICO is not good, and that not doing keto = food addiction, so I should stop eating carbs. I didn't like that. Should I change doctors?

submitted by /u/GrapefruitCurrent382
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