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Weight Loss for Everyone: Trying to use this sub to be accountable in weight loss journey. Day 1 of accepting I'm obese, not overweight, and need to do something about it now.

Monday, February 1, 2021

Trying to use this sub to be accountable in weight loss journey. Day 1 of accepting I'm obese, not overweight, and need to do something about it now.

I've been overweight my whole life. My weight has fluctuated, but for the most part, I've always been an XL-XXL. Overeating and a sedentary lifestyle are the main causes, and last year I slipped into a deep depression, and ate my feelings and would lay in bed for the whole day. The last time I weighed myself, I was 170 (I'm 32 and 5' btw) and I'd say this was four months ago. I weighed myself again today, and saw I hit 200- my heaviest weight. I was a little sad to see that I've gained 30 pounds, but my late night binge eating, lack of exercise, and lifestyle choices don't make it that surprising.

While I've been living in an oversized sweater + sweatpants for the past six months, I decided today to wear some tight fitting clothes to see my body. I also don't have a full length mirror so its been easy to just avoid looking at my body. I decided I'd try and hold myself accountable and start using reddit for tips/tricks / advice when it comes to weight loss. I've already committed to not eating / snacking after a certain hour, and cutting out junk food, to start. I've started doing weights + yoga, and tomorrow I plan to start walking daily.

I'd like to lose weight so that I'm in a healthy range / BMI- speaking, so I'm looking at 60-80 pounds of weight loss. I'm someone who's always been accepting of my weight, but I want to be healthy and and in shape, and beyond comfortable, I want to enjoy the body I'm in and be comfortable.

If anyone has any advice / tips / tricks for starting out for my body type, I'd appreciate it greatly. I included a picture I took today, just to kind of kick myself in the ass a little bit.


submitted by /u/blipblopsockmop
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