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Weight Loss for Everyone: Lost 10lbs in my first week!

Monday, February 1, 2021

Lost 10lbs in my first week!

Feeling really good. I did my second weigh in a few minutes ago this morning and I am down 10lbs in my first week. I posted this 6 days ago, completely feeling down on myself and lacking hope:

I want to say my goal was to lose 1lb a week. Just 1lb and I’d be happy. I saw the 10lb change and had to weight myself again, and again and again to be sure. I am sure the drastic weight change could be because I haven’t worked out in like a year and a half and then all of a sudden I kick my body in to gear. But either way, it makes me feel good knowing I’m stepping in the right direction. 1lb or 10lbs, I’m happy.

I have been doing cardio and strength training 5x a week and CICO every day. Cardio: 2 miles daily mon-fri including incline. Strength training with 25lb weights. Resistance bands as well, working out legs/butt a few times throughout the week. Staying under 1400 cals daily, high protein lower carbs but not taking away carbs by any means. Just replacing them with healthier foods. And drinking a gallon of water a day.

Feeling really good about myself. I don’t have any family in the country I live in and would love to share with this community. :)

SW: 310 CW: 299.8 GW: 180.

submitted by /u/throwawaythrow_throw
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