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Weight Loss for Everyone: Advice for sugar addicts

Monday, February 1, 2021

Advice for sugar addicts

On January 1st, I (21 yr old female) joined a fitness challenge at my gym, and part of it was not eating unnatural sugar for the whole month of January. The first days were terrible. I had been eating sugar practically everyday for a long time. Yesterday was the last day of the challenge, so I ate some sugary stuff today. One of the things I ate was some frosting with animal crackers. I didn't wanna take more than 3 or 4 bites because it gave me a sickly feeling. Not having sugar (besides fruit) over the last month I think has really changed my desire for it. Sodas aren't nearly as tempting and a lot of other unhealthy stuff as well. So, my advice to anyone who's got an insane sweet tooth is to go completely without unnatural sugar for at least a month. It's super hard. I learned how to actually enjoy unsweet tea! It's really hard to eat sugar in moderation though. You get a little bit of it, and you just crave more because it's addicting. I lost about 8 pounds over the last month (138->130), and I'm only about 7 pounds away from my goal weight. I ate some sugar today to break the fast, but I'm going right back to it tomorrow and I'm only allowing myself to have it once per week. I think it's really important to not let unnatural sugar be a part of your regular routine since it's so addictive. So go without it for at least a month. Get some friends involved or whatever kind of accountability you can find. I never would have made it without my gym's fitness challenge.

submitted by /u/AwesomeEm77
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