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Weight Loss for Everyone: Started up wanting to quit cigs and managed to drop 20kg in 6 months!

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Started up wanting to quit cigs and managed to drop 20kg in 6 months!

M24, 177cm, 70kg

Around 6 months ago I decided to quit cigarettes once and for all because I was simply done with waking up feeling like someone is beating my chest with a hammer. One of the side effects of nicotine withdrawal is increased appetite and because of the fact I also decided to control how much food I'm eating in order not to gain weight and at the same time not find myself getting a pack.

I started out by doing CICO and IF to add better structure to my eating habits throughout the day and honestly having to stay in because of COVID was the best thing to ever happen to me. On the 17th of August last year, I got on the scale and it read 93kg. Today I weighed at 70kg which is 5kg below my goal weight and I might lose a couple more.

Just wanted to share my very brief success story here.

submitted by /u/momh9688
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