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Weight Loss for Everyone: Normal BMI and weight but need to lose body fat?

Monday, February 1, 2021

Normal BMI and weight but need to lose body fat?

I have weighed 120 pounds since I was 18, im now 25(f). I eat relatively healthy, but don't track anything and naturally I don't really eat that much food to begin with. Enough to satisfy me and that's about it. Not too big on sweets either or soda.

With that being said, I'm normal sized for my age, but I cannot for the life of me seem to lose fat in the midsection. I'm thin everywhere else on my body, but it's just surface level right there on my stomach. When I was 18 I had jaw surgery which inhibited my food intake and I lost probably 20 pounds in two weeks almost entirely muscle mass. I never regained it back but now its just this lingering fat pocket on my stomach that I would love to target, except I know that's impossible. Should I start with a calorie deficit first and try that?

submitted by /u/Downtown-Thing-2852
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