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Weight Loss for Everyone: April 2020

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Starting on May 1st

Hai everyone! I posted here quite some time back saying that I was going to start my diet and then I failed to do just that. I am at the heaviest weight I have ever been at around 270 lbs. I just had my 23rd birthday yesterday and I made myself a promise to change this path I've started myself on.

I've been chubby most of my life in fact I dont remember ever wearing anything smaller than a large. My mom just started her diet a week or so ago and she has been making progress and it is encouraging me to make some progress too.

So I've given myself a start date. May 1st. My long term goal is to lose about half of my body weight which should put me in a healthy BMI range. And I know it's going to be a long and hard struggle. My short term attainable motivational goal is to exercise twice a week. Even if it's just going for a short walk. Right now I work a desk job at an essential business but I am only working 4 hours a day.

However I have been finding it hard to be motivated to go for a walk. In my neck of woods more and more people are outside on walks. And so even though the weather is starting to heat up I plan on going for a couple.

Before all this coronavirus business I had been planning on joining a low cost gym that was being built in my city so I'm also trying to figure out how to navigate the loss of that as a weight loss option.

I guess I'm just here to say that I am going to do it this time because I cant continue to be like this. I want to travel some more someday and it was hard enough 35lbs ago, I cant imagine what itd be like now.

Hopefully I'll be back here in a month or so to update y'all on my progress. Wish me luck! And feel free to drop any tips or suggestions in the comments below. I could use all the help I can get.

submitted by /u/onepokadot
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Why is it harder to lose the weight the second time?

First time poster long time lurker disclaimer. Also I expect this to be a long post so apologies for not being concise.

TL;DR - Lost over 50 lbs 7 years ago. Put all of the weight back on and then some in the last 3-4 years due to various circumstances. Being older and wiser is not making weight loss any easier this time.

About me: 34F, 5'7", 244 lbs

7 years ago I was in the best shape of my life. I was doing CICO without really knowing that's what I was doing. I also worked out 5 or 6 days a week for 2-3 hours and I felt wonderful and confident and so full of life.

I slowly started gaining weight after entering my relationship with my now hubby. Wedding stress got to me and I was not at my best for the big day but it was a beautiful day and that's all that matters about that.

About 3-4 years ago I wanted to get back into shape and work on losing weight. I had hit just over 200 lbs and was not happy. Instead of just going to the gym I also joined a flag football rec league for super beginners. All in all it was a fun experience until my last game. Since it was a coed league a minimum of two girls need to be on the field at all times. Due to various circumstances only me and one other girl were able to play the full 1.5 hour game. It was the semi-final of our league and we got destroyed by the other team. Rather than just taking the mercy loss the guys wanted "the practice" and decided to keep playing. We had 5 minutes to go and I was at the line getting ready to receive a pass. I run my slant route and catch the ball, turn to run for the goal and bam! A guy on the other team took me out. The impact was so bad I shattered my left elbow and tore my left ACL. I have never been injured so badly in my life. When I got to the hospital I knew it was really bad because the emergency doctor was excited to see my x-rays.

I got reconstructive surgery on my elbow within the week but it took me months of rehab to be able to use my arm properly. You probably don't realize how much your elbow does until it shatters. It took me almost 16 months to get into surgery for my knee. During that time I could not exercise comfortably. There were time I couldn't even walk in a straight line without my knee buckling under me. After my knee surgery I got my range of motion back but never the strength which is likely my own fault. During this whole time I'm gaining weight and my mental health was deteriorating. Eventually everything culminated into me have a big time break down 1.5 years ago and I finally started focusing on myself again.

So now I'm trying to monitor my eating and get back into working out but the last year has been me trying to establish habits and failing. I don't know if it's harder because I have a spouse and my eating habits are so different. I don't have the energy to make two separate meals regularly in order to satisfy us both. I like to work out still but my knee is still a problem. I do low impact exercises but it doesn't always feel as fulfilling as I would like. Now I'm taking advantage of the pandemic to just buckle down and establish healthy habits.

I'm hoping this time I can stick with it but thought I would finally post in this wonderful community because I need to keep myself on track and this will be a good reminder to myself.

submitted by /u/MilaRuteeRose
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[Directory] Find your quests here! -

Welcome adventurer! Whether you're new on this quest or are towards the end of your journey there should be something below for you.

Daily journal.

Interested in some side quests?

Community bulletin board!

Need some questing buddies?

If you are new to the sub, click here for our posting guidelines

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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I don't know where to start and it's not as easy as saying just do cico.

I have a strange history with weight. Very skinny as a child from a big family where you eat what's there or you don't eat because it would be eaten by someone else. I'm a 37 female with two children. Here's my dieting history:

21 years old and 155 lbs and thought I was fat so I did Atkins (it was the in thing).

21-26 years old my weight jumped to 180 and a handful of attempts at weight watchers

27 years old I'd had enough. I was single, no kids and had all the time in the world to devote myself to eating right and exercising. I lost 40lbs and weighed 140 and kept it off for three years. Stayed active and didn't really track what I ate. Life was good but I had moments of hating myself if I fluctuated 10 lbs. At 150 I still hated what I looked like.

Then at 30 years old I got pregnant. Yay! I gained 50 lbs. I lost 35 of it but mostly because I was sick after. Still hated everything about my body.

32 years old I had my second child and gained the 35 back which is ok.

Since the birth of my second child I just couldn't find the time or energy to commit to exercising and eating the way I need to do to lose this weight. I've tried weight watchers,fitness pal, my net diary, 21 day fix, and all of them atempted many times. Still I failed, I weighed 200 lbs.

Last year I kind of dumbly tried Bernstein, lost 40 and within a year I've gained it all back. Funny thing is I still hated myself at 160.

So here I am. For the first time since before children, I'm finding my love of working out again. This is the longest streak of consistent working out in over 7 years. I'm truly loving it. I'm 5 weeks in of 4 exercises a week. Problem is, I haven't lost a pound. I've actually gained 5.

Due to covid, I've not had any take out, all food is homemade, and we do generally eat healthy. I was trying not to focus on food to just focus on one thing at a time as I have a tendency to go all in for short periods to then just fail. I'm the only one in the family with a weight problem. I know my problem before was definitely lunch take out every day.

Where am I going with this? I don't know. I need help. How do I incorporate both eating properly and exercising and not fail? I want longevity again. I also want to be a healthy weight and not hate myself.

This was long, but thanks for reading.

submitted by /u/BigMlittleOrgan
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24-Hour Pledge - Friday, 01 May 2020 - The Plan for Today!

Wake up with determination; go to bed with satisfaction!

This is our daily check-in, to help keep us accountable over the long haul. Feel free to post whatever goals will help keep you on track.

Here's the regular text on behalf of this thread's originator, kingoftheeyesores, taken with his blessing

> I'll be posting a daily, 24 hour pledge to stick to my plan, or whichever small piece of my plan I am currently working on. Whatever your dietary goals may be, I hope you stick to them for the next 24 hours (and then worry about the following 24!). Who's with me?

Thanks to /u/nofollowthrough who made the 24-Hour Pledge an ongoing /r/loseit institution.

Due to space limitations, this may be a sticky only occasionally. Please find it daily using the sidebar or top message.

On reddit, your vote means, "I found this interesting" ( more about voting on reddit)

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Tracking progress with a high sodium diet?


So I have a pretty high sodium diet sometimes - I like to eat pickles for snacks and often have grilled chicken or fish seasoned with garlic salt and other sodium heavy spices.

The problem is that mentally, I’m having trouble dealing with the water weight. Eating these high sodium, low calorie items keeps me in a caloric deficit VERY consistently but waking up to see I’ve gained 6 or 7 pounds overnight does a number on my mental health

Are there any other ways I can track my progress that won’t be extremely skewed by water retention? Should I invest in a body fat scale? Open to any and all suggestions!

submitted by /u/alexiberry
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Yesterday I went completely off my diet after 3 months

A month into my diet, I planned on “rewarding” myself on my birthday. Until yesterday, I stuck to a 1700 calorie deficit for 3 months straight. So when my birthday came around the plan was to eat 2 slices of pizza and a slice or 2 of cake. Nothing too crazy, but definitely a big deal for me since I’ve been completely staying away from these foods for a while. Well, after a few unplanned beers later, I suddenly couldn’t control myself and started drunk binge eating. This is something I had completely forget triggered my unhealthy habits. I ate about a whole container of chocolate chip ahoys, 2 different bags of chips, and an extra slice of pizza. Calorie count was easily over 3000 or so.

I don’t regret cheating on my diet. It was my birthday, but I did go a little overboard. Something positive did come out of this though. I had forgotten how bad you physically feel after consuming a bunch of junk food. Before my diet I would eat junk food on a daily basis. You get used to the oversaturated feeling you get afterwards. I realized I don’t want to feel this way again anytime soon.

Good food makes you feel good and bad food will make you feel bad. I think this is a very simple fundamental fact that might help people like me stay on track. I think it’s okay to have a cheat meal every now and then. But when you go overboard, you’ll regret the unnecessary weight that was gained and also the awful feeling in your stomach minutes after eating.

submitted by /u/Slannon
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Success Stories

I feel like being motivated during this time can be difficult sometimes and I really wanted to find a way to keep people inspired right now. So I thought it would be cool to start a thread of success stories!

Might as well start it off, I went from 235ibs to 150ibs over the last 10 months. It took a lot of motivation to start but I’d say being motivated only gets your foot out the door. It took discipline to continue every single day and if I learned anything it’s that discipline isn’t an inherent trait, it’s learned. And that’s why I’ve quit so many times in the past, because I’d try to do a bunch of high intensity workouts too soon too quick and would end up giving up because I didn’t have enough discipline. The best way to keep making consistent progress in my opinion is to start out doing lower intensity workouts and that’s what worked for me. It requires a lot less discipline to get yourself to do lower intensity workouts. Going to the gym everyday was so much easier when I wasn’t dreading my workout.

Anyways as I got more fit I started to realize that I really loved a lot of physical activities that I never thought I ever would. One day I decided to try running 3k for the first time in 5 years, and I realized that I was no longer bad at running, nor did I hate it, in fact I kind of liked it.

Now I’m able to run 20k at once and I’m training for a marathon. It’s crazy how much I’ve learned about myself throughout all of this and I really want to see other people reach their own goals and let people have the opportunity to discover things about themselves too.

I still have another 30ibs to go but at this point I know nothings going to stop me from consistently training and going towards my goal.

I’m thinking of making a blog to inspire people during this time so I might reach out to you to ask for your permission to share your story! (I’ll only share if I have your permission!)

Anyways, if you read this far thank you! And I really hope you’ll share your own story or hopefully be encouraged to start/resume your journey.

submitted by /u/donut_no
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It’s my birthday!

Today, I ate 450 calories over my maintenance and I couldn’t care less.

I had a steak dinner, with onions, mushrooms, and a loaded baked potato and a slice of chocolate cake for dessert. All of the food tasted so good and I am now resting on my couch with a super full stomach, excited to back to eating healthy tomorrow.

I think this can be a good lesson for a lot of people on here. You don’t have to be “good” 100% of the time. You can have a huge dinner, you can eat a slice of cake, and you can go over calories and you don’t have to feel bad.

Turn eating healthy into a lifestyle you enjoy just as much as overeating. Food tastes better. Your body won’t hurt all the time.

I eat anything I want, but I eat it in moderation. I’ll eat popcorn, or an unhealthy dinner, or whatever else I feel like eating. I just have to understand what a reasonable portion size is for me.

Dieting is easy when you don’t do it because you hate yourself. If you hate yourself for the amount of food you eat, the way you look, or that fact you fell off the wagon you will never lose weight. Eat better because you decided you want better for yourself, and realize that it’s okay to be “bad” every once in a while. Hell, maybe it’s even a good thing to screw up every now and again.

Stop hating yourself. You don’t deserve it.

submitted by /u/caradized
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Any advice??

Im 16 and weight around 160. Im 5'6" and feel like 140 would be a reasonable goal weight to stay within the range of a healthy bmi. Unfortunately my parents are extremely unhealthy and I end up eating a lot of what they do, especially not that we're all in quarantine. I've switched to drinking only water (and the occasional coffee) for the past few months.

I was just hoping for any tips, whether it be exercises or snack/meal ideas. I'd like to get rid of my abdomen area if that helps at all.

Thanks ahead of time. I'd just like to get ahead of the issue now and loose the small bit of weight rather then let it get out of control and have to lose much more.

submitted by /u/Shilohsrevenge_
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Today I felt my emotions instead of bingeing for the first time in years (NSV?)

The summer before my sophomore year of high school (I am now 22) I started to use food to cope with my emotions as I was deeply struggling with depression and anxiety. As the depression and anxiety went away, the binge eating didn't.

Until today I truly didn't understand that I was using food as a coping mechanism for whatever negative emotion I was feeling. I didn't even realize I was feeling negative emotions. Today was different. I journaled as a way to distract myself from the desire to binge, and in doing so accidentally spent almost an hour actually working through everything I was feeling. I don't remember the last time I allowed myself to feel this sad and anxious, instead of burying my feelings underneath food. I allowed myself to cry, and to sit with my negative emotions.

Then a crazy thing happened. I felt better. I drank some tea. I am now watching some YouTube videos that are making me smile. I can't believe that I have gone so many years without realizing that I have been burying my emotions with food. I genuinely just thought I have self control issues, and it didn't go any deeper than that. This feeling is so much better than the feeling I have while bingeing/ after a binge. There's no guilt. I feel peaceful, almost. I just honestly can't believe it.

I know this might seem ridiculous and obvious to some people but I hope that sharing this maybe someone else can come to the same realization I just did. I hope I am able to make these same decisions in the future, and hopefully can stop bingeing forever.

submitted by /u/Cannibal--queen
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30 Day Accountability Challenge - May Sign Ups

Hello lovely losers & fluffy monsters,

A new month & new Daily Accountability Challenge!

For the newbies to the sub reddit, please start here, so much good info!

And hey, maybe it’s not a bad idea to review them anyway to you returning conquerors. I do occasionally to remind myself of the basics.

Here’s what we do in the DAC my friends!

This is the sign up post to outline your goals, weight loss, self care, creative, whatever keeps your motor going my friends.

There will be a daily update post for you to chime in about how day whatever is going!

At the end of the month, there is a wrap up post to reflect on the progress you made or didn’t make & what you learned. Learning is progress my friends!

We try to foster a supportive, caring place to discuss the actual day to day of deficits & counting & caring so much about how we fuel our bodies & lives. So be kind, interact if you like & hopefully you feel supported by the internet version of a push up bra!

Leading by example, here I go!

Weight by end of month (200 lbs, preferably trend weight):

Stay within calorie range (1500 ish):

Exercise 5 days a week: I’m pretty good about this but want to chase a higher intensity. X/X days.

Self-care time (journaling, working on love journals, beauty treatments, drawing X/X days): Very important business here!

Try a new recipe once a week: Any suggestions? I meal prep religiously with my crock-pot & occasionally have to feed 2-5 people so I’m open to whatever. X/5 weeks.

50 pages of The Body Keeps the Score: Slogging through this very informational book. It’s brutal in some places but I highly recommend it kids. X/50 pages.

Be more mindful & express gratitude, avoid the hedonic treadmill: Keeps me grounded & in a happier mental space.

No fast food, candy from the work dish or Starbucks: I’ll be tracking the streak here because I think that will be motivating. I was doing better with this & binges when the policy was just no. I’m not good at moderating these things & I see bad choices spider webbing out from them. X days.

Listen to my effing body: Nuff said. I haven’t been very good about that lately.

Your turn kids!

submitted by /u/Mountainlioness404d
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30 Day Accountability Challenge - Day 30 April wrap up!

Hey losers,

End of the month! Time for the tell all. Let's talk about what we succeeded at, what wasn't so hot & what we learned.

May sign up post is up:

Weight by end of month (200 lbs, preferably trend weight): I'm recovering from some binge days so I believe I haven't gained weight but I sadly fell short of my onederland goal. I will get there soon. 204.8 trend weight.

Stay within calorie range (1500 ish): Not great. I stopped caring about what I was putting in my body. I will do better going forward.

Exercise 5 days a week: Pleased here, would like to keep increasing the intensity & more strength training. 24/30 days.

Self-care time (journaling, working on love journals, beauty treatments, drawing, fancy coffee out no more than 2 times a week 6/10, no fast food): Hits & misses here. I think during this troubling time I need to be better at setting aside time for this & possibly increase my time spent on mental health in general (therapy & reading time especially).

Try a new recipe once a week: Cheesy broccoli & rice casserole, beef burrito casserole, lentil spinach & sausage stew, Frankenstein'd dirty rice & an impromptu garlic Parmesan sauce for chicken legs. Nailed it! 5/4 weeks.

50 pages of The Body Keeps the Score: A little short here but it is a mental health recovery tool so having the energy to get to it versus just staring at the words is important. I'm still counting this as a win. 40/50 pages.

Drawing prompt every day: Would like to be doing this more. 13/30 days

Be more mindful & express gratitude, avoid the hedonic treadmill: This is all for my mental head space. I did way better at the start of the month as far as mental state goes but this is still an important mindfulness win.

Your turn losers! Let's hear it!

submitted by /u/Mountainlioness404d
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Been going thru a really tough time in my life with breakups and uncertainty about the future and add the that being obese and unhealthy and my lungs and joints always feel like their gonna go out I never thought I would start exercising.
Well I’ve found my solution. Walking! I don’t take my phone with me so no music so it’s meditative, I try to walk briskly with purpose even when I’m going no where so it keeps my heart rate up and it encourages me to be more mindful about what I eat. I’m just starting my journey so I have no success story to share except by simply going outside to walk I’ve finally found myself getting into a groove of becoming active! Good luck everyone! Keep pushing thru the hard days

submitted by /u/Yashaun
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Junk food, when and how much?

Hi, I’m a female, 25 years old. Well I decided I want to lose weight, I generally do lose weight easy, but I always get back to the weight I have right now. I am at least 20kg overweight. I can lose those kilograms pretty fast but the problem I always face is junk food.

I tried different approaches, quitting sugar and fried food entirely, eating them once in a week, eating them once in a month. I usually end up the same way, which is eating junk food once, then feeling cravings and eating it always. I can’t stick to fruits (I rarely eat them) or some type of vegetables that I never had in my diet before.

This morning I decided to have a healthy breakfast and it was so difficult! I wanted to have some pizza or cookies, or whatever with lots of calories and that could be also savory.

So I came here because I need advice. How much junk food do you eat in a week? When? How much is the portion’s size? How do you get back to eat healthy after a “cheat meal”?

I don’t want to have this lifestyle for the rest of my life.

submitted by /u/MeryCherry77
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A reminder that it doesn't happen overnight

I have been feeling pretty discouraged lately since I didn't see much change in the scale anymore despite being strict with my diet. It has been almost a month since I started my weight loss journey (again), and even though it was satisfying to watch the scale go down rapidly the first few days (all water weight, I know...), I've been at the same weight or maybe lost only 2-3 more lbs most of the time afterwards.

Then I looked at my weight loss chart back in 2018 when I started my first serious weight loss journey. It took me 6 months to get to (almost) my goal weight.

I needed that reminder that this too will take time, and I'll need to stick with it instead of giving up and stuffing my face with junk food again. Maybe someone out there can also benefit from this reminder. Weight loss is not a linear process, but it's ok; all we need is the discipline to get back on track and keep going.

submitted by /u/incessantbeat
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One bad day is not the end of the line.

I guess this is myself, preaching to myself, letting you guys in on it. I am guilty, as many of us are, of being great at doling our encouragement and terrible at taking it.

Last week I broke my plateau and managed to get myself into the 130s after years of being in and around the 150s. I had been following the good old calories in calories out method with some rigorous exercise. That evening, I caved and ordered a pizza. And from there I spiralled.

“I may as well have the leftover slices for breakfast” “Well I’ve had pizza today so I guess this is another cheat day” “I’m really craving chocolate, I guess since I’m indulging I may as well do it now and get it out of my system”

One week of excuses and indulgences later and I’m back at 144lbs. I’m disappointed in myself but it’s ok. I’m going to get back to the diet today. I know I can do this now, I’ve done it already, and I’m still over 10lbs lighter than when I started. I haven’t undone all of my work, and nobody’s weight loss is a straight line.

This will be the first time ever that I haven’t seen a gain and decided to abandon the diet completely, only to come crawling back when my weight becomes unbearable again. I am breaking the cycle, it ends here.

submitted by /u/SazDev
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Lost 9 kg. How do I get rid of that stubborn belly fat?

So I've been doing OMAD for 3 months + walking almost every day.

I've lost 9 kg by doing that, and get the minimum calories in that 1 meal a day so that I can lose the maximum amount of weight per week (1 kg) or else said, eating at a very large deficit.

I love the results and I feel better. But the beer belly I want to get rid of the most is still there. I have around 8kg to lose until I reach my goal and I fear that by the time I succeed, the belly still might be there.

Am I doing everything correctly? The face gains are amazing, I've also reduced a few trousers sizes. and gone down a full T-Shirt size. But why is that belly fat still there and so stubborn?

Perhaps I can't see any difference, because I look myself daily in the mirror and I am actually losing fat down there?

Do you possibly have any recommendations?

Thank you.

submitted by /u/Gamer0607
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Plateaued and lost.

I've been fluctuating between 144.8 lbs and 144.2 lbs for the past 2.5 weeks. I've been hitting my steps, getting my workout in and eating in a deficit (I eat about 1200-1500 kcals) I have no idea what I should do or what I should change. I feel very lost and unmotivated.

Also, I was at about 152lbs at the begining of March so I'd say my weight loss has been steady.

The only change that has taken place is that I weigh myself at 4PM instead of 7AM. This is because before Ramadan I was using IF along with CICO and so I weighed myself 12 hours after dinner. Now that my last meal ends around 4AM, I thought it would be alright to weigh myself 12 hours after.

I'm a 5'3, 20 year old female with a goal weight of 114lbs.

submitted by /u/voidmushroom
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I celebrated hitting my goal weight with a cheat day

After all, I deserved it. I worked my ass off to get here, so I might as well celebrate.

I have pancakes for breakfast which were drowned in nutella and maple syrup, for lunch I have 2 smoked salmon sandwiches, and for dinner I have an extra large bowl of Pad Thai.

Not bad right? Perfect balance between celebrating while keeping my health in mind. But then after dinner, the late night cravings hit.

I stuff myself with everything in the kitchen. Brownies, cookies, even plain slices of bread. If it was edible, I was shoving it in my mouth. It didnt even taste good anymore, but I needed food in my mouth.

After the cheat day I feel like shit. In one day I feel like I undid all my hard work in one night, lying on my bloated stomach in bed thinking "what did I just do?" I toss and turn all night and don't get much sleep. "It's ok" I tell myself, "I'll just restart tommorow."

Tomorrow comes. I wake up extra bloated and do the worst possible thing to do after a cheat day - I step on the scale. 5 lbs gained. I know I didnt actually gain 5 lbs, but seeing that number on the scale made me scared and stressed.

Well now I'm bloated, stressed out, and coming off of a night with no sleep. I get cravings, and basically repeat my cheat day. The same the next day. And the day after. And the day after.

I cant control myself. I dont even remeber how I stuck to a diet and how I used exercise every day. I can't beleive that everything changed so quickly. Every night I tell myself "I'll restart tomorrow." That day never comes.

Now 3 weeks since my "celebration". Up 15lbs (weighed when I wasnt bloated). Still eating like shit. Confused, lost, and trying to break the binge cycle.

What a celebration.

submitted by /u/toasted_grape
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Doubled my weight due to eating to cope with loneliness

I have doubled my weight in the last two years (meaning I weigh twice as much as I used to do) due to loneliness. I am in my thirties and have never been on a date, much less been in a relationship, and that is hard and lonely. I love myself and am confident despite being overweight, but I can’t help but long to have a connection with someone.

Up until two years ago, I maintained a fit body and lifestyle despite being lonely. I exercised every day and ate healthy and in moderation. However, then someone online said he wanted to be my boyfriend. I’m sure you can imagine that having patiently waited until I was in my thirties, believing that I’d finally get to experience things like mutual attraction, being cared about by someone special, and experiencing physical affection made me downright giddy.

I moved to another country to meet this guy because he said he wanted to start a new life together and for me to live with him. When I got here, he texted me the whole thing was a prank. After that? I have begun using food to cope with loneliness. I got over him a long time ago, but I still use food, glorious food, to cope with general loneliness.

When I eat, it’s as if the loneliness doesn’t exist, the only thing I feel is pleasure and happiness from eating. It’s not physical hunger at all- it’s emotional hunger. If I know I’m going to eat in an hour, I feel excited and happy. I am not ashamed that I have put on so much weight because it does allow me to forget about my loneliness for a few minutes, but I thought I would share my story in case it would help anyone to see they’re not alone.

submitted by /u/1autisticgi
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Daily Q&A Post for Thursday, 30 April 2020 - No question too small!

Got a question? We've got answers!

Do you have question but don't want to make a whole post? that's fine. Ask right here! What is on your mind? Everyone is welcome to ask questions or provide answers. No question is too minor or small.


  • Include your stats if appropriate/relevant (or better yet, update your flair!)
  • Check the FAQ and other resources in the sidebar!
submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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After recently turning 26 with a new born I’ve decided to try and make some some permanent changes. Here is a rough history of my weight because seeing it written down makes it more real.

2010-11 maintained ~185lbs mostly muscle was in the gym 6 times a week before moving to London at 17 and becoming an functioning alcoholic with a food addiction (eating fast food 3 times a day and drinking 6 cans of coke a day)

Rapidly got up to my heaviest weight 294lbs ~2012-2013

2014-17 fluctuated between 210lbs & 280lbs

2018/19 maintained 266lbs

243 lbs towards the end of 2019 but then got really ill (pleurisy & appendicitis) took 6 weeks to diagnose due to so much wrong with me & a week I’m hospital. This combined with buying my first house with my (then) pregnant partner led to me eating lots again.

Currently 261lbs 30/04/2020

Desired weight by 30th birthday (04/24) 182 lbs Need to loose 79lbs 19.75lbs/year 1.65lbs/month

submitted by /u/TheFailedAmature
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Binged last night and feeling terrible, any advice?

Hey, long time lurker first time poster here.

Context: I've (24F) been doing the couch to 5k running plan for 7 weeks now and cico for around 4 weeks without any major slip ups. Sure I've gone over what I hoped I would eat by a few hundred cals every now and again and had arranged "cheat meals" but overall I've been steadily losing weight.

Last night I completely lost it and turned to emotional eating like i havent since my teenage years. I work designing medical technology for a university/hospital so obviously everything at work is crazy stressful now. I decided there was no point to doing any of this weight loss stuff any more, as all I am doing is staying home at my computer all day. I might as well just do what I want. So I ordered a huge takeout (I would guess around 3000 calories, and this was after I'd already eaten a healthy dinner) and ate as much as I physically could of it while watching divorce court in my pjs.

I made the massive mistake this morning of logging "the event" on MFP and it basically ate up my entire calorie deficit for the last week. I can't help but feel super unmotivated about this and don't even want to start tracking again. How do I pick myself up after something like this and stay on the wagon?

Tl;dr: I ate a takeout and am feeling sorry for myself

submitted by /u/the_smallest_pea
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Day 1? Starting your weight loss journey on Thursday, 30 April 2020? Start here!

Today is your Day 1?

Welcome to r/Loseit!

So you aren’t sure of how to start? Don’t worry! “How do I get started?” is our most asked question. r/Loseit has helped our users lose over 1,000,000 recorded pounds and these are the steps that we’ve found most useful for getting started.

Why you’re overweight

Our bodies are amazing (yes, yours too!). In order to survive before supermarkets, we had to be able to store energy to get us through lean times, we store this energy as adipose fat tissue. If you put more energy into your body than it needs, it stores it, for (potential) later use. When you put in less than it needs, it uses the stored energy. The more energy you have stored, the more overweight you are. The trick is to get your body to use the stored energy, which can only be done if you give it less energy than it needs, consistently.

Before You Start

The very first step is calculating your calorie needs. You can do that HERE. This will give you an approximation of your calorie needs for the day. The next step is to figure how quickly you want to lose the fat. One pound of fat is equal to 3500 calories. So to lose 1 pound of fat per week you will need to consume 500 calories less than your TDEE (daily calorie needs from the link above). 750 calories less will result in 1.5 pounds and 1000 calories is an aggressive 2 pounds per week.


Here is where it begins to resemble work. The most efficient way to lose the weight you desire is to track your calorie intake. This has gotten much simpler over the years and today it can be done right from your smartphone or computer. r/loseit recommends an app like MyFitnessPal, Loseit! (unaffiliated), or Cronometer. Create an account and be honest with it about your current stats, activities, and goals. This is your tracker and no one else needs to see it so don’t cheat the numbers. You’ll find large user created databases that make logging and tracking your food and drinks easy with just the tap of the screen or the push of a button. We also highly recommend the use of a digital kitchen scale for accuracy. Knowing how much of what you're eating is more important than what you're eating. Why? This may explain it.

Creating Your Deficit

How do you create a deficit? This is up to you. r/loseit has a few recommendations but ultimately that decision is yours. There is no perfect diet for everyone. There is a perfect diet for you and you can create it. You can eat less of exactly what you eat now. If you like pizza you can have pizza. Have 2 slices instead of 4. You can try lower calorie replacements for calorie dense foods. Some of the communities favorites are cauliflower rice, zucchini noodles, spaghetti squash in place of their more calorie rich cousins. If it appeals to you an entire dietary change like Keto, Paleo, Vegetarian.

The most important thing to remember is that this selection of foods works for you. Sustainability is the key to long term weight management success. If you hate what you’re eating you won’t stick to it.


Is NOT mandatory. You can lose fat and create a deficit through diet alone. There is no requirement of exercise to lose weight.

It has it’s own benefits though. You will burn extra calories. Exercise is shown to be beneficial to mental health and creates an endorphin rush as well. It makes people feel awesome and has been linked to higher rates of long term success when physical activity is included in lifestyle changes.

Crawl, Walk, Run

It can seem like one needs to make a 180 degree course correction to find success. That isn’t necessarily true. Many of our users find that creating small initial changes that build a foundation allows them to progress forward in even, sustained, increments.


You will struggle. We have all struggled. This is natural. There is no tip or trick to get through this though. We encourage you to recognize why you are struggling and forgive yourself for whatever reason that may be. If you overindulged at your last meal that is ok. You can resolve to make the next meal better.

Do not let the pursuit of perfect get in the way of progress. We don’t need perfect. We just want better.

Additional resources

Now you’re ready to do this. Here are more details, that may help you refine your plan.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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What’s your story that broke you over the edge to lose weight?

Last summer I was in a friend’s pool with a couple of these girls. We were all rough housing in the water and I noticed the girls were trying to play rough with my friends and not me. After seeing how uncomfortable the girls got when I tried to initiate it with them, I just felt so embarrassed. I remember clear as day stumbling into the bathroom and looking at my big ass gut thinking I wouldn’t exactly feel myself up either... I never wanted to be in that situation ever again, it was horrible. I initially plateaued at 10 pounds for a month after that day and gave up. It wasn’t until February that I remembered that gut wrenching feeling of being repulsive that got me to go full force. I’ve dropped from 232 to 203 and I can fit a large t-shirt again. I can probably say it’s safe to believe I might even be at my goal weight of 180 by July.

submitted by /u/MissionCattle
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I'm afraid I'm developing anorexia

I used to be borderline obese and I hated my body. I refuse to count calories because I read a bunch of posts about how that can devolve into disordered eating habits (also laziness). I know that my daily intake is probably in the 800-1600 calorie range, however. I don't weigh myself because I don't have a scale but I can tell my body weight has dropped dramatically in 5 months, clothes that used to be unbearably tight, are now way too big for me. The problem is, the reason I did this was because I thought that nobody would ever love me if I wasn't skinny and that sounds pretty messed up now that I think about it. A couple months ago I wanted to binge & purge and chew & spit until I realized it could actually have health risks, at which point I definitely decided to never do them, but the thought was definitely there for a while. Every time I eat food because I don't count calories, I'm afraid I somehow went over the limit, which is ridiculous because looking back on what I ate some days, I'd be surprised if I went over 800. I'm not sure if I have an eating disorder though because I don't have much food snack food in my house (if I want to eat I usually have to cook a meal), and I'm terminally lazy so there's that as well. I feel like I'm not even close to fat anymore and I'm much happier with my body and that I could stop at any time, but also that I could lose another few pounds. I don't know what to do.

submitted by /u/imreallybadwithgirls
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[Challenge] European Accountability Challenge: April 30th, 2020

Hi team Euro accountability, I hope you’re all well!

For anyone new who wants to join today, this is a daily post where you can track your goals, keep yourself accountable, get support and have a chat with friendly people at times that are convenient for European time zones. Check-in daily, weekly, or whatever works best for you. It’s never the wrong time to join! Anyone and everyone are welcome! Tell us about yourself and let's continue supporting each other.

For all new people that have joined in April, at the end of the month we do a roundup of April. Tomorrow we'll talk about our goals for May.

How was your April? You're free to structure this however you want, but think about the following topics:

  • How has your weightloss progressed? Better, or worse than expected?
  • What are some Non Scale Victories that you've experienced this month?
  • Did you set goals for April, did you keep to them?
  • What went well during this month, what could need improvement?
  • What important lessons did you learn?

Thank you for keeping this thread alive and kicking in these interesting times, and see you in May!

submitted by /u/visilliis
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Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Boys and girls I hit my goal weight this morning!!! 5’9 65kg 24m

Progress Pics

Hi everyone, don’t see as many dudes posting on here so thought I would chip in! This morning I hit my goal weight of 65kg, down from 90kg in 2018. Since Christmas I have been super serious about CICO, taking in about 1600cals per day, averaging around 180g of protein to maintain muscle. I have eaten grilled chicken and steamed veggies for days and not sure I could face another plate! My workouts have changed slightly since being in lockdown - I know run between 40-50kg a week, as well as doing light resistance bands, dumbbell, and ab work in my city centre flat 😅😅 not ideal but we have to make do.

I’m super happy with my progress since Christmas, and if you take away one thing from this post, it’s that the body you want is found 👏🏻 IN 👏🏻 THE 👏🏻 KITCHEN. You won’t reach your goals as efficiently or effectively without getting serious with yourself and your diet.

Anyone with any questions, my DMs are open. Talk to me about anything! We’re all going to make it, friends - keep working hard and being true to yourself and no one can say otherwise 🤞🏻🤞🏻

submitted by /u/Donnerz
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I finally saw a difference in my body today when I found an old picture on my phone from Christmas, and I wanted to share!

I wasn't noticing too much of a difference until I found this old pic from Christmas last year. I've lost 40 pounds in the last 3 months. I started at 300 now I'm 260 at 5'1. I have so much more to lose, but I'm feeling really good! I couldn't believe how bad I had gotten and at the time I didn't believe I could ever feel good physically again. I was always in pain, leaving the bed was hard, my depression was through the roof. Now I'm walking everyday, I finally have a spring in my step and I feel super motivated!

A few days before Christmas 2019

Today I haven't been able to wear this shirt for 3 years!

submitted by /u/Florencelove05
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Feeling great on my 2nd try after I binge ate my success away

25F 5’3” SW: 130lb GW:115lb

I started counting calories January 2019 and actually reached got to 110-115lb by May. But unfortunately, probably due to my obsessive calorie tracking and restricting myself to not eat the food that I want to eat, I developed a binge eating disorder in August when I started stuffing myself with cakes and breads until I was painfully full. I’m talking about half a cake + a whole loaf of challah at all once and many similar instances. I would drive around to visit multiple stores then proceed to eat everything in my car in the parking lot. Just very sad, frustrating, and embarrassing looking back at it.

It took me a while, but I was able to slowly steer myself the right way and stopped the binging eventually. It was probably helpful that I took two vacations between then and the start of 2020 where I was unable to track calories since I ate out all the time. I learned to just enjoy the food I was eating without worrying how many calories they would be.

From the binging episodes and the vacations where I ate without considering calories, I ended up gaining all of the weight I lost back, so by January 2020 I was back at 134lbs. But I felt confident that I have fixed my binge eating and decided to tackle calorie counting to lose weight again.

The first time around when I reached my goal weight, I was devastated by the fact that after all my hard work by eating super healthy and working out all the time to lose all that weight, to maintain my goal weight, “I can still only eat around 1400 cal for the rest of my life!?” This time, I feel much more mentally prepared. Here’s my current approach that I think has been working very well for me and hopefully would help some of you:

-I decided to eat at the maintenance calorie of my goal weight from the start this time, and KNOWING that that’s how much a person who is 115lb can eat to maintain weight really has been keeping my mentality much more healthy than last time around.

-I also have taken on the mindset of “On days and meals when I have full control of how much I eat, I will eat around 1300-1400 calories every day for the rest of my life if I have the power to do so.” And that I feel like will offset any days that I eat out or eat an extra slice of cake (or two haha)

-I’ve came to terms with that while there are days that I go over my calorie limit, there are so many more days where I stay within my calorie goal. Like really really try to come to terms with this. I do not actively try to eat below my calorie range the next day after going over the day before. Every day is a fresh start.

-I have been eating things I WANT to eat, just smaller portions, to keep the calories down and not just eating super healthy food that I don’t care for. I do try to eat nutritious food, but when I want a slice of cake, I will eat a small slice of cake instead of a salad or chug water. Because, at the end of the day, a salad is NOT cake lol

I’ve lost almost 10 lbs since January 2020 so far. It’s slightly slower than my weight loss rate last year, but im completely okay with it. I feel good about my progress and feel confident that I can maintain my goal weight happily once I get there this time

tl;dr Binge-ate my success away, but feeling great on my second attempt

submitted by /u/ApronPears
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I lied about eating an entire cake today. My s/o just found the empty box in the trash. I’ve never been more ashamed or felt so alone.

Every Wednesday my s/o and I shop from a restaurant to support them during this time (odd day, I know, but weekends are too crowded for us to socially distance while out and my s/o’s mom is high risk). He was working all day so I, recently laid off, offered to pick up our favorite toasted almond cake from a local bakery. I get home and he’s still in the home office working. An hour passed and I have a taste of the cake. Then a slice. Every 20 minutes for about 3 hours I keep eating the cake. By 4pm the cake I bought at 10 am was gone. I buried it in the trash under everything I could find. A little before 5 my s/o asks if I’m ready for a slice. I tell him the bakery was out. He asked why I didn’t get something else. I told him because that’s what we REALLY wanted and no point to waste calories on something we’d be settling for. Oh the irony. This made me getting caught later sting so much worse.

Now that we have no cake, we decide to bake cookies after dinner. As we’re throwing away cookie box, egg shells, etc, my s/o goes to push down the trash to fit more. A second later he’s pulling out the empty cake box. He looked HORRIFIED. So visibly confused. And I just started crying. This is my lowest low.

He knows I’ve been “trying” to stick to a diet but I haven’t told him that I can’t control myself around food. And it doesn’t even matter what food. I’ll binge on anything in the house - including disgusting concoctions when I can’t find real snacks like flour mixed with butter and sugar. I haven’t been losing weight but I’ve been telling him I’m doing “everything I can”. Obviously that’s not true. And today was the most humiliating way for him to find out.

I want to say I’ll change tomorrow but I’ve been saying that every day. I have 55 pounds to lose to my goal weight and 40 to be a normal weight. I’m short so that’s A LOT. I know all the advice, books like brain over binge, etc, I just need to do it. I just wanted to share with people who might understand. I feel like a freak. Normal people don’t eat like this. Normal people CAN’T fit all this in their stomachs let alone have meals after pretending they didn’t eat all day. I’ve never felt so alone or ashamed. Hence the throwaway.

submitted by /u/loseitlowest
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I've regained ALL of my weight from a year ago. The exact amount. And now I'm breaking down.

I honestly don't know what to do. I know I've let myself go. I went from 136 to 151. The exact same weight from when I started.

I started out amazing. It was a little hard to maintain it, since I kept eating after school for volleyball, but I was 136-138 for the majority of the semester.

Then Christmas came. I had to go visit my grandfather for London. Over there, I just didn't focus on my weight at all. There were many things I wanted to try, and I admit, I didn't regret it. It was an experience. Then I came back home and discovered I'd gained four pounds that wouldn't be going away any time soon.

I felt okay with that. I knew it was a bump, but I would lose it again. Track season had come up, and the weight was fluxing between 140-144. I still wasn't mad. I knew I was getting faster and stronger, I even placed with the faster girls, and that's what I want. For volleyball and for track.

But then school was out for a few weeks. I thought, no biggie, I would lose weight in quarantine now that I'm away from school food. I was motivated, to say the least. I wouldn't eat until I worked out. I would sleep to avoid eating.

Then they said that school was out for the rest of the year.

I was devastated. I gave up. Who cares, you know. No one would see me.

I was 141. Now I'm 151. And I'm terrified.

I can't lose weight by exercising anymore. I used to go to the track and run a mile straight, then another mile doing jogging/walking and sprint intervals, then a mile to cool down. Then I went to the gym to lift weights and do HIIT. I enjoyed the track because I wanted to get a feel for it, that I was actually moving and I could switch up my pace more easily than if I was on a treadmill.

I can't go out to the track, it's gates are closed. My parents forbid me from going outside, so even just general cardio is out of the question. The gym's closed as well.

I've tried to do HIIT workouts, and Chloe Ting and all that. I don't know what's wrong with me. I used to hate myself if I didn't do them. But now, I just keep making more and more excuses. And I hate myself for it. It's so bad.

It's like I'm hiding behind them. Oh, it'll go away. I'll work on it tomorrow. I can fast tomorrow.

Except I never had the motivation to finish the fast. I used to be able to do 48-72 hours easily. I can't even do a full day anymore.

I'm just ashamed that it took me to gain 15 POUNDS to see that.

My goal is to hit 130 in 6 weeks. I don't know if I should start now (menstruation sucks :P) but I know that once I commit, I have to go all the way. I've been trying to adjust my all-or-nothing mindset to my weight. I CAN do 6 weeks. I've done it before, when I went from 151 to 136 in a month. I can hit 130 in 6 weeks.

I need the motivation, and advice to keep it off. Please.

submitted by /u/ChieftessStorm
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NSV : I only had one slice of pizza!!!

Just wanted to share on here because this is a big difference from how I used to eat.

21F ; SW: 180 ; CW: 165 ; GW: 120

I have been using this quarantine to crack down on my exercise and diet routine (a LOT of walking on a nature trail that is by where I live, and CICO). I have been cooking a lot of stir fries (a lot of veggies, some shrimp, tsp of oyster sauce) and it's been working! I see the difference in the mirror everyday and the weight is melting off. I am really glad that I am putting in the effort and that the effort is paying off.

However, today was the first real "test". My dad brought home two Korean-style Pizzas (about a third the size of a normal pizza- think personal size) and wings. Usually, even up until about a month ago, I could finish off a pan myself. Today, I made sure to have my normal dinner (some boiled eggs and sweet potatoes with hot sauce) and only had one slice of pizza, which kept me under my CICO limit (I usually end up way under everyday just because vegetables and sweet potatoes keep me very satisfied).

I am so proud that I was able to eat just one slice, and that I was SATISFIED with that one slice. That ravenous fast food monster in my stomach was appeased with one slice. It's been so nice to see my gains over the past two months and what kept me from slipping was the knowledge that one pizza slice would not make me a failure! I love CICO! I can have that small pizza slice, I can make it to my GW, and I will become healthier and stronger for myself!

I am a long time lurker and just wanted to share my first NSV :) Thanks loseit!

submitted by /u/hghquality
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Anxiety about getting rid of clothes

It has come to the time when I should begin getting rid of my old clothes that are too large for me. I am happy that I am no longer a size 22/24, but I find myself getting anxious whenever I think about bagging up my clothes to donate.

Anyone else experience this? How did you combat it?

I guess it’s partially because I fear I’ll gain the weight back and will have nothing to wear (this is only part), but I guess I am also afraid of getting rid of items that are cute and fit my style (it sounds materialistic, I know).

I was thinking that I could possibly combat my anxiety by having a fashion show for myself and trying things on and bagging them after to remind myself that I am not that size anymore and can’t/shouldn’t hold onto clothes that are way too big for me anyways.

I have no qualms donating clothing, I have done it my whole life, but I just seem to get anxious. Maybe I fear losing the security of owning those clothes? They don’t fit and I know they don’t.... so I don’t quite get my hang up.

Any and all advice / experiences are welcome!

submitted by /u/-freshavacado-
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I physically realized how much weight I gained today

I (25F) was online shopping for some new workout leggings today. I've always been curvy with a thicker lower body since childhood, but I've consistently been a medium even with my weight yoyo-ing. However, when I checked my size chart, I was dead in the middle to fit into a large. Then I walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror and didn't even recognize myself. I feel so self conscious and bad about myself :( Now let me back up...

For the past 5 years I've been "trying" to lose weight (I'm currently 177lbs and I've always floated around 155-160lbs). I've never stayed disciplined or consistent and sabotage myself every time I try to start losing weight. The only time I've successfully lost weight was very strict calorie restriction, clean eating, and lots of cardio = sad velvetoreo About 1.5 years ago, I has some mental health issues and went down to 140ish pounds because I just couldn't eat, but I gained it all back plus some; I'm the heaviest I've been been.

I don't know why I'm spewing all this. I just really want to hit my goal weight (145lbs). My workouts usually consist of strength training (which I love) and very little cardio (walk the dog). I can't count macros to save my life (always mess up and say f*ck it) and I don't know what to do. My husband is supportive, but he knows how inconsistent I am and doesn't usually have much hope for me following through (sounds bad but I don't blame him lol).

I'm starting a new chapter in my life this fall, and I really want to be my best self and healthiest self. Also, I'm going to need a new wardrobe and I don't want to size up.

Thank you for reading this. I'm trying to get all my negativity out and stay positive but I guess I don't really believe in myself. Thanks for any words of advice :)

submitted by /u/velvetoreo
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30 Day Accountability Challenge - Day 29

Hello losers,

Thank you guys for your kind words & the substitute post. I love that you're taking care of each other & me! We got this. I'll get off my duff & work on the sign up post for tomorrow too!

Weight by end of month (200 lbs, preferably trend weight): No weigh in this morning, 204.8 trend weight.

Stay within calorie range (1500 ish): Better today. I'm feeling less bingey.

Exercise 5 days a week: Lunch walk, dang I need to start wearing sun screen. 24/29 days.

Self-care time (journaling, working on love journals, beauty treatments, drawing, fancy coffee out no more than 2 times a week 6/10, no fast food): Engaging more on this sub. Y'all keep me sane. I need to review what I want to do next month since the struggle bus seems to be in the works.

Try a new recipe once a week: Cheesy broccoli & rice casserole, beef burrito casserole, lentil spinach & sausage stew, Frankenstein'd dirty rice & an impromptu garlic Parmesan sauce for chicken legs. 5/4 weeks.

50 pages of The Body Keeps the Score: Not today. 40/50 pages.

Drawing prompt every day: We'll see what I'm feeling before bed tonight. 13/29 days

Be more mindful & express gratitude, avoid the hedonic treadmill: Ain't got no time for shame. Emotional deregulation aside, I'm still here & committed to getting after it. I love all y'all. You are all amazing people & I hope you find comfort here like I do. Squeeze your animals or equivalent snuggle buddies for me & have a wonderful evening.

Your turn! Feel my love! It's probably fuzzy and may smell slightly of coffee.

submitted by /u/Mountainlioness404d
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Started my new loser life a while ago and I have a feeling that this time I might succeed

I've lived very healthy my whole life, eating vegetables, lean foods and such. Working out quite alot. But since I started working an office job I've gained 15kg in 4 years or so and i'd like to go back to my previous weight.

I've tried counting calories before with a ready made program. It was miserable, the food was plain as it can, I was constantly hungry and waiting for it to end. I lasted for like 1 month with it and lost some fat but did not lose any weight. Was not worth it. I've tried to eat less without calorie counting, but it did'nt really work and I was not sure if I was doing things right. I've tried intermittent fasting, but it made me binge eat and eat too much since I was not counting calories.

Last week I decided to try being a loser again. I've heard that meny have succeeded with low carb diets since it lowers their hunger, so I diceded to try it too. First I tried out low carb foods without counting calories just to ease myself into the habit. Now I'm also counting calories and I've hit my goal of 1600kcal per day for almost a week now and it has not been that bad really. Yes, I am a bit hungry almost all the time, but not in the same way I was in the last diet where I ate carbs too. That was awful hunger. I've lost 700g already (mostly water probably since lack of carbs, but still proud) and feeling quite positive about this.

Low carb foods are actually very tasty. I'm able to eat cheese, fatty meats, bacon and other tasty things. Replacing carbs with vegetables makes foods actually more delicious. Pasta and rice don't really taste like much, so I do not miss them.

I think I might do it this time. For the first time I'm hopeful about being able to lose weight.

I am 75kg / 165 lb, 165cm / 5"4 female and trying to lose around 10kg / 22 lb.

submitted by /u/kwisu
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CICO and hunger problems

F20, 5''2' SW: 80kg CW: 75.4kg GW: 55kg

Hi, so I have what I think is a rather unique problem that I can't find a solution to anywhere!! I'm currently staying at my parents' house during the quarantine, and my mum casually CICO's but also just generally keeps very healthy low-calorie foods around the house. I don't really have a problem with tempting foods, for example at Easter I got 2 easter eggs and simply incorporated them into my daily calories. My mum, however, finds it very hard to control temptation (this will be important later).

My problem is... I cannot reach my deficit on most days. I'm using my fitness pal and on meals alone, I only tend to eat about 900-1000 calories a day (my deficit is 1200). If I hit the complete diary button they usually send a sort of health message saying I shouldn't be eating below 1000cal per day. I know this, of course. I'm studying biology and am blessed with a nutritional course as part of my degree. But during the day, I don't get hungry so I'm just eating more for the sake of reaching close to 1200. I've been rather precise (or as precise as I can be) weighing and calculating my calories using the per100g as a basis for my ratios, so I don't think that my maths is wrong.

To me, the best solution of this would be to have some high-calorie snacks around that I can incorporate one of into my daily routine, that way I don't have to eat a lot when I'm not hungry (Since everything in the house is low calorie it's basically like having another lunch, eg 5 crackers and light spready cheese) but I don't want to throw my mum off her diet. Any advice on how to increase my calorie intake even when I'm not hungry?

submitted by /u/Jezzimo
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Seeing no change and ready to throw in the towel.

Hey everyone, hope you're all safe and well.

I have lost almost 15kg. (33lbs) which is half of my ultimate goal. I'm down two dress sizes. But I cant see it.

I know I'm wearing smaller clothes, I know I've lost the weight but in the mirror I feel I look exactly the same. No one really says anything either and they look surprised if I mention I've lost this much weight so I dont think it's in my head. But when I look at comparison photos the change is there so I dont know.

I could be doing more exercise to tone (been using everything going on as a bit too much of an excuse) but I've lost 4kg since my gym shut so I know I'm in control of my eating and the weight is shifting.

I'm just feeling so defeated. I feel like its harder to look at myself now then it was 15kg ago. Feeling very 'what's the point?'

submitted by /u/contagiousprincess
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How to reverse diet in order to maintain healthy weight loss?

So before I say anything I know what I did was wrong and now I am trying to remedy the situation so please don't come at me in the comments.

I'm 21 years old, female, currently weigh 68 kg and am 166cm tall. I've lost around 17 kg in the last 3 months by doing keto and eating at an extreme caloric deficit where I was only getting around 800-1000 calories a day. I've now come off keto and am still eating around 1000 calories a day but my weight loss has completely stopped. I've calculated my TDEE to be around 1900 calories so this is quite worrying. I know my body has adjusted to the low amount of calories I was giving it and now I fear that I've completely ruined all my chances of having a healthy diet without gaining all the weight back. I want to be able to lose weight (around another 8 kg) more sustainably by having a healthy diet but I don't know how to fix my metabolism.

Would appreciate any constructive criticism and helpful advice!

submitted by /u/candyflip98
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Some things I never considered with weight loss.

Hey guys, it's been a long time since I've written in here. Long story short I am 35 years old male and on my 30th birthday I decided I could no longer be the size I was which was around 21 stone or 294lbs. I started eating healthier and was on/off doing exercise (walking and DDP yoga) I did lose a few stone and ever since I have been around the 18/19 stone range after stop start health kicks.

I suffer from anxiety and depression and I always let that get in my way. In February I was very low I was in a job that while it was a good job was too much stress for me and I my girlfriend of 10 years broke up.

I had a choice, to sink further and see one way out or to make a decision there and then and to climb out of this pit however hard it may be and regain control of my life.

I chose the latter guys, I spoke to my bosses at work who helped get me transferred to a department with a less stressful environment, and I decided to get healthy in my mind and body. I have been intermittent fasting since the 4th of February this year and I'm down 50lbs I am so proud of my progress and wanted to talk about things I never even considered before now.

  1. My bones stick out everywhere. I used to be able to lean on myself when chilling bit now my usual comfy positions are being poked by my hip bone or lying on my arm I have my collar bone digging in me it's crazy.

  2. I fit in my bath well. I've lived in this house about 2 years and used the bath a small handful of times (I'm a shower guy) and the shape is odd where the middle of the bath is thinner than the ends (think of a sanitary pad) because of this I used block the water in the middle with my body which meant my head and feet had hardly any water. Not anymore I can comfortably lay in the bath.

  3. My sleeves on my hoodies wont stay rolled up. I fully expected my clothes to get baggy however I never considered the sleeves of my hoodies would no longer stay up because my arms are smaller.

  4. Something looks bigger. I will leave that as is.

How about you guys? Do you have any changes that while for the good you never thought about during your loss?

submitted by /u/GatmanBegins
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SV/NSV Feats of the Day - Wednesday, 29 April 2020: Today, I conquered!

The habit of persistence is the habit of victory!

Celebrating something great? Scale Victory, Non-Scale Victory, Progress, Milestones -- this is the place! Big or small, long or short, please post here and help us focus all of today's awesomeness into an inspiring and informative mega-dose of greatness! (Details are appreciated!! How are you losing your weight?)

  • Did you just change your flair? pass a milestone? reach a goal?
  • Did you log for an entire week? or year?
  • Did you take the stairs? walk a mile? jog for 3? set a new personal record?
  • Fit into your old pair of jeans? throw away your fat clothes? fit into your college outfit?

Post it here! This is the new, improved place for recording your acts of awesomeness!

Due to space limitations, this may be an announcement (sticky) only occasionally. Please find it daily and keep it the hottest thing on /r/loseit!

On reddit your vote means, "I found this interesting!" Help us make this daily post the most read, most used, most interesting post on /r/loseit by reading, commenting, and participating often!

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Can my bulking diet be used for losing fat

So basically I’m serious into bodybuilding and know how to bulk properly I eat 6 meals a day 4 of them exist out of rice, chicken, breasts and broccoli and 2 out of spaghetti. And honestly it works for me. But recently this girl asked me how she could lose fat on her upper body (arms) and gain weight on her lower body, So I’ve never done cardio ever since I don’t have to so losing weight isn’t one of my most acknowledged topics I’m aware of the fact that doing abs exercises 4 hours straight isn’t gonna slimmer your waist and most likely make it bigger. I told her to start squatting heavy and do light arm exercises. But I was wondering if she could use the same diet as me. 2400 kcals a day and 120gram of protein a day and will she gain a lot of fat around her waist ? Or should the calories be way lower like 1800 Cause I personally don’t gain a lot of fat.

submitted by /u/whyfyee
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Tuesday, April 28, 2020

[Challenge] European Accountability Challenge: April 29th, 2020

Hi team Euro accountability, I hope you’re all well!

For anyone new who wants to join today, this is a daily post where you can track your goals, keep yourself accountable, get support and have a chat with friendly people at times that are convenient for European time zones. Check-in daily, weekly, or whatever works best for you. It’s never the wrong time to join! Anyone and everyone are welcome! Tell us about yourself and let's continue supporting each other.

Let us know how your day is going, or, if you're checking in early, how your yesterday went!

Share your victories, rants, problems, NSVs, SVs, we are here!

submitted by /u/visilliis
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Weigh-In Wednesday (Share Your Numbers)

Share Your Numbers!!!

Welcome back to another week of weigh-in Wednesday. Share your +/- change from last Wednesday to this Wednesday, and a short summary of your week. Sometimes we get lost in the day to day ups and downs and it's good to see our week over week changes. Time to celebrate losses and lift each other up during possible failures. This is not a timed event or contest, feel free to jump in any time.

This post was made a staple of r/loseit by u/Kahne_Fan and our thanks goes to him for providing a service that so many find helpful.

Past Weigh-In Wednesdays

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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What's working for me in getting back into the groove

Storytime: A few weeks ago, I fell out of my diet without realising it. I'd dropped using the small plate method (and I don't even remember this happening), I'd gone back to getting take out a couple of times a fortnight, and I'd started drinking more cola than usual. I'd also dropped taking my daily walks (I knew when I stopped this because I'd run out of my asthma puffer, and I really don't like going for my walks without it, just as a safety precaution).

So, I've started getting back into the groove.

First, don't hate yourself for it. You had a lapse, and you can pick it back up again. You're allowed to have a lapse every now and then, as long as you don't use it as an excuse to not get back into exercise/diet.

Start by just swapping out unhealthy stuff for less unhealthy stuff. Swap out a soft drink for an iced tea or a juice or a water. Swap out a large meal from a fast-food joint for a regular meal or small meal.

If it works for you, use the small plate method. The psychology says that a full small plate will make you feel just as full as a full large plate, just with less food and therefore less calories.

Get back on your walks. Even if it's just around the block, or ten minutes in the backyard. Then slowly build it back up.

These are all the tips and tricks I've been using for the last three to four weeks, and I'm already starting to feel better. Hopefully this can help some of you guys as well.

Feel free to add your own tips in the comments!

submitted by /u/The_Gayma
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How to Lose 20 Pounds at Home with a Busy Schedule Over 40s

How to Lose 20 Pounds at Home with a Busy Schedule Over 40s This video caters to individuals in their 30s and 40s who are seeking to red...