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Weight Loss for Everyone: Today I really needed to remember why I am doing this.

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Today I really needed to remember why I am doing this.

One of those days. I'm only 5 weeks into my journey and today was probably the first day that I really struggled with and had to push through to remind myself why I am doing this, I feel like that's a NSV in itself instead of reaching for the food!

Forgot my fruit and nut snack so had cheese and crackers, not a major because was within my cals but still, when I deviate from my plan it's hard to change my mindset that it will be "ok".

Visited my mum who gave a lovely backhanded compliment, and was very hungry by the time I got home and hubby had cooked something less than healthy, again I ate it but stuck to my cals.

It's also hot and muggy here which should make me not feel like eating, but for some reason feeling physically gross makes me want to eat junk.

BUT amongst all that I really feel my mindset changing! I found myself saying to myself to enjoy and appreciate the process, and THIS feeling IS a big part of the process!

I haven't wrecked my day just because I deviated from my plan, I was able to text my mum and explain what hurt me (never done that before), I acknowledge the physical feeling is temporary, and my kids will eventually stop screaming and go to bed 😂.

Usually I would be driving straight to the supermarket to numb all this, but, instead I jumped on here to share. This is such a learning moment for me.

submitted by /u/_____katem_____
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