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Weight Loss for Everyone: My weight loss ruined my relationship

Saturday, January 25, 2020

My weight loss ruined my relationship

When I first started gaining weight, it was a steady rise and although it didn't happen fast, it was noticeable. I picked up a girlfriend (24F now, 20F at the time) soon after it started but at that point it wasn't too bad, I just had a bit of a belly and I was a serious stress-eater. We still went running together and we both loved bouldering, but the problem that arose is after I'd polish off a whole pizza while she'd eat a salad. So regardless of the exercise, my weight kept rising and eventually when my girlfriend would suggest going hiking or rock-climbing I'd refuse and say we should go see a movie instead. So not only did I get fat, I started dragging her down with me. There was so much junk kept in our house it was impossible for her to say no.

When I hit 270 lbs though, my girlfriend sat me down and told me I was morbidly obese and although she still loved me, I had to do something to change my habits because she wanted to grow old with me. I didn't want to but I said I'd try anyway because I loved her. We got rid of all the junk food in the house (actually more like she got rid of it while I tried to argue it was Diet Coke) and she made me come along with her to the gym. When I got into the routine, I started losing. My girlfriend, however, ate a bit unhealthier than I did and still went out for drinks and restaurants with her friends because she told me she didn't need to lose like I did. I agreed and I kept losing and I didn't really notice, but she started gaining.

In the end, I lost 120 lbs and now am maintaining at 150 lbs. My girlfriend, on the other hand, ended up gaining I'm not sure how many pounds but is now hovering around 210 lbs. There's still no junk at our house but she eats out constantly and work got hard on her in the middle of my weight loss journey so she stopped accompanying me to the gym.

Now everything's all messed up and upside down. I'm the one asking her to go out and exercise and she's the one saying no. She seems a lot more depressed these days and no matter how much I initiate it, our sex life is pretty close to nil. Every now and then she'll make these snide comments about how I've gained some around my face and should I really be eating those fries? She complains that I don't spend enough time with her these days and I'm always at the gym, and now she keeps on trying to get me to go to Papa John's (this really cute hole in the wall pizza place that was our favourite place before) with her, and I do, but she gets mad when I only eat a slice and says I'm trying to embarrass her. This morning I asked her to make my coffee and I drink it black now because it's lower calorie, but I came downstairs to see her dumping in like five packets of cream and sugar. She offered it to me and I said it wasn't what I wanted but she said one coffee wouldn't hurt. I came home from the gym today and she had ordered my favourite pizza and was eating a bag of chips, and when I tried to reiterate the "no junk" rule, she offered me a slice. I wish I could say I said no but I was so hungry from working out and caved and ate like three slices and went way over my calorie limit for that day.

I know this is unhealthy. What can I do? I want her to be happy but I feel like losing weight now makes her all angry with me.

submitted by /u/Prestigious-Taco
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