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Weight Loss for Everyone: My weight loss journey -20kg/45lbs

Saturday, January 25, 2020

My weight loss journey -20kg/45lbs

Hello everyone! 🤩

This post is about how I lost 20kg/45lbs since I started taking fitness and diet seriously.


Time period : 6 months Training type : Calisthenics+Cardio

Cardio : Running, Swimming, Cycling, Box

Starting weight 114kg Current weight 94kg Height 1.89m

Training schedule:

Calisthenics 4-5 Times a week Cardio 3-5 times a week

Progress I Made:

Dips from 9 to 29 Pull-ups from 6 to 19 (form in 19 is even better) One arm dead hang 10 seconds to 35 L-sit from 3 seconds to 20

Moves that I mastered:

  1. Archer push-ups 2. Archer pull ups 3. L-sit 4. One arm push-ups (not perfect form)

My diet - consisted no added sugar, no soda, no bread, no fast food. I eat mostly healthy carbs with some good fats and a lot of protein. Also having no bad habits is optimal I do not smoke and seldom drink. I have a decent sleep schedule so that definitely helps!

I made I compilation video of my body transformation! Last time I posted my progress I've received good feedback and a lot of comments of support which encouraged me to train even harder! So I decided to share my passion and progress with you guys so hopefully someone gets motivated/inspired if right now you don't feel like putting in the work 📷.

I'm not going to post any links if you want to check my progress out type ElvisLifts on youtube and you will find me.

In my opinion the most important thing is being consistent and just do the work not all workouts will be great some days weather sucks or whatever excuse it may be but you have to keep the ball moving in the right direction there are only two options moving forward or going backwards.

submitted by /u/ElvisLifts
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