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Weight Loss for Everyone: Just a post for those out there with unsupportive people in their lives

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Just a post for those out there with unsupportive people in their lives

My family.. I love them- but they are incredibly superficial. My mom has eating disorders. If it isnt starving during the day and binging at night- it's over exercising and taking pills to kill hunger. She has always hated her body, and did her best to pass the same disfunction to me. My dad and brother (and mom) are all athletic. I was, until I was diagnosed with health issues that made excersising very difficult. I was always thin, and in shape, until about 7 years ago. Severe pain, depression- you know the drill.. I gained about 50 pounds and became the black sheep of my family.

The only time my mom was ever happy with my weight, was when I was doing cocaine at 19, and weighed 110 pounds. I'm almost 5'9". She thought I looked amazing.

This is sort of a cathartic post, but also- I'm sure there is someone out there who has a similar issue. My family just doesnt love me the same when I'm overweight. It's not about health, or caring- they are disgusted by my weight. It hurts. I've been on prednisone for a while, and have thyroid issues, and despite counting calories and doing exercises that are approved by my physical therapist and cardiologist- I'm just not losing weight fast enough. For Christmas, my parents gave me a scale. Today, they offered to pay for weight watchers. I politely asked them to not bring up my weight. In reality- I wanted to tell my mom that the last person I want advice from- is someone who starves themselves and takes pills to sleep so they dont eat.

You all are my support system. I love you all, and though i dont post here ever- I want each of you to know that you are beautiful and strong and your goals need to be for you, because you deserve to be happy and healthy. Do it at your pace. If your blood family is not supportive or healthy, you have family here. Every day you choose to work towards a better you- is a win.

Don't stop winning. If no one has told you today- I love you, and I believe in you.

submitted by /u/wetcardboardsmell
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