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Weight Loss for Everyone: 30 Day Accountability Challenge - Day 1

Monday, February 1, 2021

30 Day Accountability Challenge - Day 1

Hello lovely losers old & new!

Happy day 1! I hope you're out there kicking butt!

Weigh in daily, enter into Libra & report here even if I don't like it: 234.6 lbs this morning, 232.4 lbs trend weight. Entering it even when I don't like it. And rest assured I do not like it today. But it's just a number & important for being accountable.

Stay within calorie range (1800): Doing good today. Had to estimate some jerky because, well, I didn't ask what it was when it walked the earth because that's the power of peppered jerky folks. 1/1 days.

Exercise 5 days a week: 30 minute lunch walk & 30 minute intense stationary bike. 1/1 days.

Self-care time (journaling, beauty treatments, anything that fills the bucket, non food rewards): I didn't say fuck it & get a froofy coffee at lunch. I went on my walk & had my meal prep lunch.

Try a new recipe once a week: So, grocery substitutions meant my chili wasn't quite red or green & I think that counts as new. 1/4 weeks.

Express mindfulness and or gratitude: I'm grateful for secure employment. I'm mindful that I had too much sugar yesterday so I'm super hungry today. All the veggies shall happen.

Your turn kids!

submitted by /u/Mountainlioness404d
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