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Weight Loss for Everyone: Easier to continue than start again

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Easier to continue than start again

Something constantly pops up to throw us off our healthy regime. At the moment I've a bloody head cold (going on 2 weeks now) and yesterday was my rl birthday so I knew crap would be eaten...and enjoyed!

I've gotten myself into a nice routine Mon - pilates and Wed & Fri gym session.

Sooo wasnt feeling it yesterday. It was my bday, I have a head cold, I was having a day out with my girls shopping. It would be so easy to NOT go. Frig it , I actually deserve not to go what with my 'poor me' list.

But too many times in the past 1 day led to the second day of not feeling great....and suddenly its 3 months later and Im up another 2 stone !

So I got up early and went....and then went and enjoyed my day with no feelings of guilt.

Its only 3 days a week but the benefits ripples out to my eating, going for walks, feeling good about myself.

Those 3 sessions are my priority come hell or high water (or viruses or colds).

Easier to stick to my routine that have to motivate myself to start all over again.

Here's to all of us that keep plodding along :)

submitted by /u/drowninginseaweed
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