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Weight Loss for Everyone: I went in for a CT scan for something different but ended up discovering I have very early signs of fatty liver. I’m only 23.

Monday, August 31, 2020

I went in for a CT scan for something different but ended up discovering I have very early signs of fatty liver. I’m only 23.

I started to feel unwell a few months ago, ended up going through the process of getting a bunch of different tests and whatnot.

They initially were going to do an ultrasound to check my pancreas and gallbladder, and if they were able to see through my fat, I’d have to have a CT scan. After the first scan, the tech asked if she could inject me with some stuff to light my liver up because she wanted my doctor to see it.

Went to the doctor the next day (my regular doctor had gone on his annual leave) and the new doctor asked me about my diet and lifestyle. I told him I walk my dogs every day but that my diet is terrible. I eat a lot of fried foods, a lot of high fat foods, and not a great deal of vegetables.

He looked so sad when I told him and he said that the tech picked up something in the CT scan... that I have very early stages of fatty liver. The damage will be reversible if I completely overhaul my diet now but if I continue on the path I’m on it’s just going to lead to further health problems.

I need to overhaul my entire diet and I don’t know how. I’m a terrible cook, my mother is a negative nancy who always criticises when I attempt to eat healthier, and I’m at a loss on what to do.

submitted by /u/driedvagina
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