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Weight Loss for Everyone: Trying to get back on the health train! What am I doing? Is 1500cal too few?

Monday, January 27, 2020

Trying to get back on the health train! What am I doing? Is 1500cal too few?

I looked at my ID the other day and noted that it reads “195” for the weight. (I’m a 6’4” male, 24 years old)

I’m nearly 8 years removed from that, but I’m currently sitting around 305. I feel like I know all the stuff on what to do, what not to do, etc. it’s just so hard to get started and there’s all these little things that I toss back and forth.

I think my biggest issue more than eating “bad” food is just eating too much reasonable/ok food. You won’t catch me eating doughnuts and chips and the like, but I will go for 3 bowls of whole grain penne and lean chicken with red sauce and zucchini. Kinda a win I guess? It’s always been like that though.

Anyway, back in December I did a trial run of 1500 cal/day+ the adjustment in MFP for steps (I get around 10-12k regularly).

I’ve had mixed feedback on whether that’s too fast or not. Some say yes, some say no. I’m finding it hard to carve out time for a workout (60 hours, plus time with wife and daughter, and hobbies so I don’t go insane from the awful job) so I’m trying to battle that with way fewer calories. My thinking is that if I blow it by 100-200 calories, I’ll still be way ahead. This gives me breathing room for inaccurate calorie counting? I’m also just guessing at a 50% carb, 25% fat, 25% protein goal. I know more protein is better, but it’s difficult to achieve.

I feel like I’ve been accidentally doing IF my whole life by not eating breakfast and usually not having lunch until 11-1 and then dinner at 6 or 7. I think that’s where the portion control trouble started: not eating all day and then being massively hungry. I’ve tried to be a bit more disciplined about it lately and it seems ok, but then that throws the “Dont eat before bed” thing out the window if I’m doing meals at 2 and 8 on my late work days.

I’m not sure what a healthy “goal” weight is. I’ve never liked the idea of being a skinny rail-looking person, but I also don’t like the super-ripped guy look. I played Football in high school and found it really satisfying to work on fast-twitch muscles, agility, and leg strength. That fits somewhat with my interest in biking and hiking as well, but maybe a bit more endurance is in order? I can’t stand running with my knee being sore from injuries and my recurring ankle sprain.

I really just want to get back to looking more reasonable in photographs as opposed to the ogre look I have going now. I saw my wedding pictures and was absolutely embarrassed about how I looked. I feel pretty bad for my wife.

Anyway, feedback is appreciated! I know I’m all over the place, but I feel like I just have a couple things to button up here and there.

submitted by /u/lo979797
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