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Weight Loss for Everyone: My doctor never mentions my weight...and I wish she would

Saturday, January 25, 2020

My doctor never mentions my weight...and I wish she would

Sorry for the rant, and I’ll understand if it gets taken down. I feel like I read so much about people being fat shamed by doctors. Doctors not taking the ailments of overweight people seriously, or failing to look past their weight as their sole medical issue. That hasn’t been my experience and I know that I am SO lucky for that, but sometimes...I just wish my doctor WOULD bring up my weight. I’ve been overweight my whole life. I’ve wanted to lose weight for the last ten years, but I just keep getting bigger. The thing is, I don’t know how to lose weight. I honestly don’t. I feel a lot like my parents never taught me how to eat properly (we were very poor so we mostly ate carbs -ie pasta, cereal, sandwiches - because they’re cheap). I’ve tried WW, IF, CICO, etc. Nothing ever works for me. A lot of this is probably mental - I give up when I’m not seeing results, am a very emotional eater, and get discouraged so easily. When I’m on a diet I feel like I’m missing out on the best parts of life. There’s already so many things I can’t enjoy because I’m so fat, it’s hard to give up one of the last things that brings me joy. The last time I really put in a serious effort was about a year ago. I tracked every tiny thing that went into my mouth and I was doing light-moderate exercise 3x a week. I know that doesn’t sound like a lot but it was for me. And in six months, I just kept losing and gaining the same 10lbs. I just wish someone would tell me what to do. I wish my doctor would sit me down and explain to me what I have to do to lose weight. What I’m supposed to be eating. How to stick with it when it’s hard. I know I should bring it up but I get so much anxiety. It’s like if I don’t talk about being fat, I think no one will notice. Which is absurd.

Anyways, thanks to anyone who read this far, and my your weight loss journeys be more fruitful than mine.

submitted by /u/flaccidadults
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