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Weight Loss for Everyone: i thought i knew what plateaus were like... until now

Sunday, January 26, 2020

i thought i knew what plateaus were like... until now

Just wondering if anyone else has found themselves in this situation, I'm sure I'm not alone! I've been losing weight since last January (2019). I'm 22F, 5'1", and went from 200-ish to 150. I hit 150 around the beginning of December, somehow unintentionally maintained through December, and now that it's January I've re-energized myself to get more seriously back into CICO and getting in my 3 workouts a week. I was pretty lax through the holiday season tbh.

But my weight just won't budge - it feels like I'll be stuck at 150 forever, and I still have so much more to go! I feel like I have all the energy and motivation to really make some progress right now, but nothing seems to be happening. I used to think I had the worst plateaus, when I was stuck at one weight for like, a week or so, but now this plateau has lasted almost two months. Definitely a reality check. Anyone else in the same boat?

submitted by /u/sea-of-love
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