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Weight Loss for Everyone: Halfway there - 27 pounds less 6 months in

Monday, August 24, 2020

Halfway there - 27 pounds less 6 months in

progress report

  • Starting weight: 113 kg (249 lbs)
  • Current weight: 100.9 kg (222 lbs, 28% BFP)
  • Current goal: 90 kg (198 lbs, ≤ 22% BFP)

Long-term goal: Maintain 75-80 kg with ≤ 15% BFP

what happened?

I am 6'1, the laziest dude you'll meet in your life. That mentality along with a sedentary office job is a recipe for disaster. in the last couple of years I really let myself go. I was ~ 90 kg (209.4 lbs) even in 2016-18, but after some major personal/professional setbacks I just fell off the cliff. I didnt care about my mental/physical health, nor did I concern myself about what my SO thought of my abhorrent weight gain. My routine revolved around food, gaming, reddit and youtube. I did try to get back on the wagon a few times over the years but even then I knew they were half heart efforts at best.

Thanks to some determination from my part and a lil bit of lady luck, I was able to turn things around and get back some of my sanity sometime December 2019 (If that was the monkeys paw for 2020 I am so very sorry lol). With gyms being a hazard for the foreseeable future at my city, I decided to invest in whatever second hand spinner bikes and weight plates/BBs/DBs I can find. That was in February. And since then I have been making steady progress.


I never thought I would be a home gym guy - I never could focus on working out at home, too easily distracted. But something is different now - almost as if I prefer this. Dont get me wrong, I really wish I could actually have the machines, environment and like minded people that gyms provide. But I am loving the fact that I can workout at my own pace, and not share equipment with others.

I am doing a pull-push split 4-5 days/week. I have steadily lost weight but losing fat has been a challenge to say the least. But I am trying to have no zero days at the least (link for the uninitiated). I am seeing noticeable improvements in my upper back, glutes, and hamstrings the most. Hoping to make significant progress in my chest and abs in the coming months.


By far my biggest challenge. I bloody LOVE to eat man. If I could I would eat 2k calories worth of pizza/pasta/burger/steaks - per meal. Anyway, I am aiming for 1600-1700 calories/day, allowing a ~2.5k cheatday if I complete my workout for the week. No strict micro, but aim for 30% carbs, 30% proteins, and 40% fat. I know this is not ideal, but Im afraid Im always a demotivating week away to falling back on old habits. Having said that, I know I will hit plateau soon if I dont make lasting changes to my diet. Losing BFP is a key requirement too as I am still very much in the obese category. I need to close the gap to 25%.

whats next?

In the coming months, I aim to do the following:

  • Progressively overload on my workouts. Especially improve my compound movements like squats, rows, deadlifts etc.
  • Learn to like cardio and abs workouts.
  • Include yoga as a daily requirement.
  • Better mental fortitude for sticking to my diet.
  • Learn to love myself.
  • Learn to forgive myself.

Please share any tips or routines that has help you sustain weight loss and attain a better attitude on life. Thank you for reading my post. I look forward to my next progress report. 💪

submitted by /u/blabbergenerator
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