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Weight Loss for Everyone: Does anyone intentionally lie about how they lost weight?

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Does anyone intentionally lie about how they lost weight?

If I tell people I eat salads and roti rice curry and dal everyday like everyone else. No one believes it. However if I say I only eat sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, flax seeds, quinoa, avocado, kale asparagus and all such non Indian food they readily believe it and say that they could never follow such a diet as it is too expensive. Have we fetishized western culture in India that much or is it universal in all places to believe only exotic diets can work?

I train half an hour doing stuff on YouTube. Over the years I have lost 60 pounds.

My one sister follows all sorts of exotic diets for 2 weeks and then gives up. Says that she can never lose weight.

Another sister says that you should never diet and only exercise. currently she is visiting my home for Rakshabandhan ( an Indian festival that celebrates the bond between brothers and sisters; traditionally one of the few occasions when a married woman is allowed to her parents house) and is always saying that you should eat normally like her.

Friends and relatives only believe that I have lost weight because I must have a dedicated team behind me.

submitted by /u/tryin2immigrate
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