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Weight Loss for Everyone: Determined to start my journey

Monday, August 24, 2020

Determined to start my journey

finally determined to get healthier, and need any and all advice. I'm 23F, 210lbs, 5'2. in the past two years with grad school starting, I've gained a significant amount of weight (I've always been overweight, but in hs I played multiple sports and in college I was still walking 7+ miles a day from with a large campus). I've been overweight my whole life, and I'm just tired of feeling so helpless and gross, getting comments from family members and community members about how I look, etc. (my immigrant community is relentless, everybody and their grandpa thinks they can just freely comment on how you look, and I'm tired of being told to stop eating my siblings food even though i eat less then them and they're just naturally skinny like ??) I've gone in and out of losing weight phases, but I think seeing over 200+ on the scale for the first time really scared me. from what i can even remember, in college i was at most 175 or 180, so i've gained a lot in the past 2-3 years si. ce i first started really noticing a significant weight gain after my junior year with my clothes starting to fit differently. My siblings are all super thin so its even more obvious within my family in family photos, and I'm just tired of being the ugly duckling.

covid has actually been a semi good thing. I haven't gained any weight since quarantine began, (been going on some walks, trying to be semi more activeand got a fitness watch), so i haven't gained weight but I also haven't lost any weight. i hate working out outside because i hate the summer, and i've had too much going on this summer to start any consistent routine. I feel like i need to take charge and actually start working out actively and consistently because my goal is to shed weight because i am unhealthy for my age/height, and want to be healthier. I'm ready to start going to the gym, and with my semester starting i want to kind of treat it like a "class" because I live by my schedule and I think that i will stay committed as long as i stay consistent and go to the gym and work out. I've also been watching what i eat more, which is why i think i haven't gained any weight because I've been much healthier, but i need to start shedding weight and i think for me it means more exercise since I'm not as active as i used to be because all i do is study now.

i also have a fear of going to the doctor and scheduled an appointment for November, and I'm determined to have made SOME progress.i think I've been struggling with some hormonal imbalances over the past 5 years too, but once i started to eat semi healthier i noticed my skin has been clearing up (had terrible acne in college), and my periods are a little more regular now than they were before.

my plan is to start with cardio (probably elliptical, treadmill, and stairmasters), and after hopefully some progress i want to add in some strength training. any advice or tips would be much appreciated. My goal is to go minimum 3x a week to the gym, and do a minimum of 20-30 mins, and increase as much as I can but what my body can take. I feel so weird with all this extra weight that i feel like I've been so blind to, but I'm ready to stop feeling sorry for myself and take control of my health.

if anyone's been in the same boat or similar stats, lmk what you've done to lose the weight at the gym! i have no target weight yet, i think bare minimum i want to just be back in the 100s again and then go from there!

submitted by /u/xo23xo
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