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Weight Loss for Everyone: Anybody else feel massively uncomfortable in their own body while exercising?

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Anybody else feel massively uncomfortable in their own body while exercising?

This'll be my nth time trying to lose weight and I really, really want this time to be the one that sticks. For background I'm 22F, 5'2, and roughly ~150lbs.

Any time I try a new workout, doesn't matter what it is - weights, cardio, low impact, HIIT - I get hit with such a massive wave of discomfort as I try to move and get the exercise in and I'm not sure what to do about it. It's not physical pain or anything, but I just feel so hyperaware of my body and the way it moves in space that it trips me out? Like, I'm critical of my form, of how slow I am compared to the workout videos I use, how out of shape I am...I have a degree in kinesiology, so I'm well aware of the technical aspects of exercise (but my specialization wasn't athletic training or therapy, it was physiology so I'm not the best at designing workouts), but I just get discouraged very easily when I'm not moving the way I know I'm supposed to be. I really, really want to be at a healthy weight, relatively muscular, and happy with the way I look for once, you know?

So, I guess what I'm asking is: for those of you who feel the same way, how do you get past that mental roadblock? Any workout videos you found were super helpful in getting started?

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/phosphoenolpiirate
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