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Weight Loss for Everyone: From 350 to 250 - Proud of myself for the first time

Sunday, January 26, 2020

From 350 to 250 - Proud of myself for the first time

Hey guys! Just wanted to share my weight loss with y'all since you all have been a constant motivation for me as I've lurked throughout my journey so far, and will continue to as I keep trekking on.

Depression is something I have struggled with my entire life - on the outside I am someone that is always cracking jokes, always smiling, and just trying to make the people around me laugh. What people don't see are the inner demons and battles you face every single day and the inner turmoil that you can't seem to escape. Everyone tends to handle depression in their own way, my way was through humor, food, and binge eating - I literally ate my feelings away. This has caused me to fluctuate weight like crazy throughout my life - I would lose weight when my mental state was doing better than usual but gaining the weight all back plus some when the depression would inevitably knock me back down. Towards the middle of 2017 my depression hit a point that it had never gotten to before and I was binge eating more than ever and gained an enormous amount of weight. By the end of 2017 I was at 350 pounds, my absolute heaviest.

It has been a constant battle since the day I stepped on that scale and saw 350 but I am fortunate and happy to say that today I am currently 250 pounds and a lot happier than I have been in a very long time. I still have a long ways to go but I am proud of the effort I've put in and proud of where I am at currently. I definitely have had struggles along the way of losing these 100 pounds and I am certain I will have more, but I am taking it day by day and always aiming to look at the positive.

I have realized depression is something that I do not need to be afraid to talk about nor something I need to be ashamed of. I could NOT and would NOT be here without the support of my amazing family, friends, and this community. So if anyone ever needs to talk about anything, feel free to send me a DM and I will be glad to talk to you.

submitted by /u/iamparzival95
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