Hey all,
After a spectacular crash abroad thanks to stress and boredom eating I'm back on track. One thing I've observed is that I can concentrate much better and am general more focused and less 'bored' when I'm chewing on something or can play with something in my mouth. I don't have any sensory issues as far as I know so it might be just a personal thing.
However I have the problem to find something to use because I absolutely can't stand chewing gum. The texture makes me gag, for me it feels like biting on a slug covered in velvet. So far I munch on sugar free bonbons but would like to find an alternative. Licorice is unfortunately not an option for me and a chew toy like for sensory issues doesn't work in a professional setting. Veggies and fruit don't last long enough, so I wanted to ask, has someone here another recommendation what I could try? I'm out of options.
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/comments/ihibza/looking_for_an_alternative_to_gum/
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