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Weight Loss for Everyone: Anyone else struggling with a lot of health problems at a young age?

Monday, August 24, 2020

Anyone else struggling with a lot of health problems at a young age?

I so SO desperately would like to be one of those people posting progress pics but I can never seem to maintain anything or even lose the weight in the first place. I’m dealing with so many health issues both physical and mental that it feels like an impossible feat. I have pretty bad scoliosis combined with a stress fracture in my l4/l5, degenerative disc disease, possibly fibromyalgia (???? No one seems to have an answer for this one), I also have been told I have bipolar depression but I am convinced I have undiagnosed adhd, I feel like I might even be on the spectrum, among other things but who the heck knows at this point. I am in physical therapy, got a cortisone injection in my back recently which seems to be helping now but things still seem so bleak. Back in 2013 I had gotten up to around 185 (I’m 5’2”) and was able to get down to 145 in about 6 months but I literally had no life. I was addicted to working out and obsessed over calorie counting. I spent every free second in the gym. Went twice a day sometimes. Back then it was easy though cause I was 19 and didn’t have much responsibility and went from eating like garbage to eating healthy and working out. Now I’m almost 26 and I don’t typically eat more than 1500 calories a day, I basically eat a pescatarian & dairy free diet, I just don’t work out cause it’s painful. Back when I was a teenager I used to eat frosting straight out of the I eat mostly vegan with the occasional egg & seafood and keep my calorie intake fairly reasonable most days. Now, I hover around 215. I can’t even look at myself in the mirror anymore. Please be gentle, I’m a cry baby lol. Idk. Does anyone else deal with a similar situation?

submitted by /u/nsalvatores
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