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Weight Loss for Everyone: Starting over... again

Friday, September 25, 2020

Starting over... again

So here I am again. In 2017 I started working out, eating right, cutting out my beloved energy drinks, calorie counting, etc. I went from 217 to 190 in about 4 months and was feeling amazing. Then I started a new job where I commuted 6 hours a day (you read that right) and I started snacking on the drive to keep myself awake at night. The pounds crept back on. Last year I started an extremely rigorous masters program and with all the stress... you guessed it. Up to 230 by Christmas. Now for the last 6 months I've been depressed (Covid among other things) and I weighed myself a couple of days ago. 247. Officially my highest weight ever. I'm 33 next month and I that the path I'm on right now will lead to a plethora of health problems in the not so distant future. That scares the crap out of me. So here I am, back again. This post is more for my own personal accountability than anything else. This community was such an inspiration to me last time. Wish me luck. It's gotta stick this time.

submitted by /u/electrixx87
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