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Weight Loss for Everyone: Not obese anymore just overweight !!!

Friday, September 25, 2020

Not obese anymore just overweight !!!

So uhh I’m 15M/5’10/207 pounds (I dunno if I’m allowed to post here cuz I’m a teen so srry) but I’ve been obese for like most of my life. I hit 200 pounds in 7th grade. Low key had a double chin for like years. Then quarantine hit. I was like “might as well try to get a glow up” so I started running everyday. Then I got sick and stopped for like 3 weeks. During this weeks I binge ate every single day. I probs gained a bunch. After I started to keep running and started to write down what I at so that I didn’t overeat (not calorie count but just writing down what I ate). Then I went to the doctor for a physical and took my weight for the first time in a year. I weight 231 and had a BMI of like 33.5. That was my turning point. I started working out more and me playing soccer really helped. I also started to take my weight every single week to see my progress. That rly helped. It gave a lot of motivation for me. I downloaded a calorie counter also and that really helped. Now fast forward to today and I weigh 207 and BMI is 29.9. So I’m not technically obese anymore. My main goal is 170 and I still have a lot more to go. This subreddit really helped and r/progresspics also. Sooo uh thanks for reading sorry if I’m boring.

submitted by /u/RudeCandy8
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