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Weight Loss for Everyone: Stress/emotional Eater - Parenting is Stressful...Help...

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Stress/emotional Eater - Parenting is Stressful...Help...

I’m a person that has been stress/emotional eating since a young age. Since my middle school years, I have been able to manage my wight in interesting and unorthodox ways. All have combatted my comfort of food quite well...Until I became a parent. I didn’t gain my weight while pregnant, I gained it when my daughter turned 1.

We are now in the middle of the “terrible twos”. I’m the heaviest I’ve ever been, and I don’t care if you have opinions about parenting if your not a parent. Being a parent is the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life, and I been threw some crazy sh*t. It tests your mental sanity more then I ever thought it would, and I’m generally a very mellow person.

Every time I seem to be on the right track, one stressful day with my toddler can send me into a light binge that ruins my progress from the previous days. My diets fail and workouts don’t push my limits, issues that were never issues before.

I’m a work from home mom (no, not an MLM), so it seems I should have it made. My boyfriend works long sporadic hours and all the grandparents work as well. I’ve tried working out with my daughter with me, but she seems to like putting a stick in my spokes with every mommy/daughter work out I come up with. I’m not a smoker, and I don’t drink often. Video games aren’t relieving stress like they use too, oh and I have no friends to vent too. I don’t seem to have a healthy outlet for my stress.

So as one of my first posts on this platform, I thought perhaps turning to the users of reddit might be of some help.

Any stay-at-home or work-from-home moms going threw something similar and found a way to combat it?

submitted by /u/619morgan333
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