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Weight Loss for Everyone: I’m coming out of a fog from my medication & I feel so much better I finally feel losing weight is possible.

Monday, March 2, 2020

I’m coming out of a fog from my medication & I feel so much better I finally feel losing weight is possible.

At the beginning of 2020 I had a huge mental health break down and realized I’m not ok. I needed my meds changed and a therapist to help me through my life. I’m not sure how I even let myself get so bad except to say I think I got progressively worse in such small increments that I didn’t realize I wasn’t ok anymore.

First i did 2 things, went to see my Dr and we decided to go off Vibryd. And I started talking to a Therapist.

And holy shit going off Vibryd made such a huge difference. Turns out this med had stopped working for me and once I was off it I could see that it was also increasing my appetite - a side effect that only 3% of people on the max dose experience. Lucky me.

Getting used to being off it took almost a month after the weaning off process.

Then my therapist noticed I tell her I’m tired all the time and we realize I’m not sleeping. Chronic insomnia. I am terrible at falling asleep. So I go get blood work done because according to my therapist, 1) you can’t expect good mental health if you aren’t sleeping and 2) first we need to rule out physical problems before we assume it’s mental.

I was tested for a ton of things and everything came back fine. But when I looked up my iron levels( anemia runs in the family) I can see my levels are normal, but on the low side of normal. Queue researching anemia- turns out I have many of the anemia symptoms: fatigue, depression, nausea, light headedness/dizzy, hair loss, loose stools. So Changed my multi vitamin to allow me to take an iron supplement and a multi vitamin that had much much less iron rather than the obscene % my previous vitamin had. (don’t want to od on iron) I started taking a vitamin called blood builder.

I also started a supplement with insitol because PCOS runs in my family and I don’t have it but I grow chin hair like a dude. I also only have 1 ovary so I wonder if that plays into why I don’t have it. Because my mother, 2 sisters and daughter all have it. I’m the only one who doesn’t. But When I read that insitol is supposed to help with chin hair, sleep, and depression I decided to give it a try for a month.

This week I’ll be adding a vegan probiotic to help the good bacteria in my gut. ( I’m not vegan. Just trying to take supplements made from the safest possible ingredients) And just today my doctor prescribed me something for insomnia. Which will hopefully be only temporary because I’m hoping losing weight will help my insomnia.

I’m posting this because now I can see I felt like shit for years. And I think there are people, lurkers, here who maybe need to hear this.

It is possible that part of how you feel isn’t because you are mean to yourself about your weight. Body chemistry matters.

I tried to lose weight but couldn’t because I was always so tired. So incredibly tired. Everything made me tired. Emotions and actions exhausted me so easily. Yet I thought it was normal. And it isn’t. I wouldn’t even have tried to change this all if I hadn’t been taking to my therapist who pushed me to see my dr about sleep.

Now I feel like I’m waking up into an overweight out of shale almost 40 yr old body. I have more energy and while I still suck at falling asleep, (we will see if the sleep pill helps tomorrow) the sleep I get feels more restful.

It’s like waking up from a dazed dream. What the fuck happened to me? I can look down and see the 60+ lbs the medication helped me gain. And I see myself so overweight and bloated. But I finally feel like I have enough energy to deal with meal planning and eating healthier. And I finally want to workout. I feel like I can find the real me again. Not just remember her and hope life gets better.

So if you are struggling consider trying to fix your sleep and rest. Go see a dr, get blood work. Look into nutritional deficiencies like anemia to see what your body might be lacking. Yes fat is a problem but I can now see that my problem is so much more than I hate being fat. And I now see how I can’t address losing fat until I balance my body chemistry and give myself better health at my current weight.

submitted by /u/kaleisi
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