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Weight Loss for Everyone: I reached one of my goals!

Monday, March 2, 2020

I reached one of my goals!

For reference I (21f) am only 5'4" my starting weight was 237-241lbs. I had been referred to as "Dora if she only explored the kitchen." So I decided to start working harder to lose the weight and over the course of the past year and a half to 2 years I have managed to get down to 172lbs!

I am so proud of myself and this prompted me to go shopping and try on some new clothes to gage where I'm at in terms of clothes now. Most of my stuff is quite baggy and unflattering now so I wanted something new that fits to encourage me and give a confidence boost.

Well I went around and grabbed my usual size 18, tried it on WAY too big. 16, same thing. 14, still huge. 12 kinda fits but still. baggy in all the wrong places.

Finally I see a 10, one of my goal sizes I set for myself 2 years ago. I put it on over my ankles, then Claves, say prayer over the thighs and finally over the booty and hips. AND BOOM GOES THE MF DYNAMITE THEY FUCKING FIT PERFECTLY!!! BUTTONED AND ZIPPED AND I CAN MOVE AND SHAKE AND BREATHE!

My ultimate goal is 150ish and size 8 but knowing I am so close now makes me wanna work twice as hard! I stared into that mirror taking note of my appearance and felt like I truly noticed how much my body is changing. My back is smoother and slimmer. My waist is smaller and my stomach is getting flatter. My legs look good but are looking better everyday. I am starting to truly notice and appreciate all that I have worked for paying off.

submitted by /u/Cabarnet_and_Kush
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