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Weight Loss for Everyone: I lost some weight during quarantine and I don't want to stop

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

I lost some weight during quarantine and I don't want to stop

So I'm a 20 yo female, ever since I was 13 I've been overweight and I've tried many diets and many things but ended up stopping, usually it's around new years eve where I tell myself my new year's resolution is to lose weight, I keep it up and then I drop the resolution by the end of feburary, I tried many things, diets, calorie counting, proportion control, water fasting, but I always ended up not committing, even if I did lose some weight, ill go back to it.

So I redid that this january, and to my shock I ended up not committing, again xD but then at the mid of march our college suspended classes because of covid. I, like most people at my country ended up staying home and baking with my parents, I tried many recipes and ate too much and didn't move much. In april I started realizing that that isn't a good idea, I'm sitting all day, I should be lowering my calorie intake and not raising it, I didnt think of it as a diet or something, I just did it to not gain too much weight and it didn't bother me because I spend the day either playing video games or watching movies.

The 12th of may I put on a pair of pants and to my surprise they weren't tight around my hips anymore and they became loose around my stomach, I went and tried many of my and my mom's pants and found out that the size 12 that used to be too tight fitted perfectly and I could even fit in my mom's size 10, let me tell u that was one of the best feelings, I finally started losing weight and I was seeing it and my clothes became bigger.

So after that I decided to take this as an opportunity to keep on losing weight, I sadly didn't weight myself then because I couldn't find the scale and I didnt bother with going to buy a new one during quarantine, but I'm sure that in January I weighted over 200lbs, also from may 12th to august 23rd I lost 4 inches from my hips, 5.5 from my thighs and 2.4 inches from my waist line.

So I now weight 192 lbs (my height is 5ft10), and I plan to keep on losing weight until I reach my first goal which is 185lbs, then my second goal which is 170 lbs (which would mean that I reached a normal bmi) and my long term goal is 154 lbs but I'll still need some time to get there so I'm focusing on goal 1 & 2 for now, I'm so motivated and I feel like I won't give up this time.

Thank you for reading all of this and sorry about my weird english it's my 3rd language and I'm constantly trying to improve it.

TLDR: I'm a 20 year old girl, 5ft10 and 192 lbs, I have already lost some weight during quarantine and I want to lose more, I don't think I'm gonna give up like I did before.

submitted by /u/siar_a_
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