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Weight Loss for Everyone: Trying to lose weight but my parents are not having it. HELP ME!

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Trying to lose weight but my parents are not having it. HELP ME!

Hey, this is my first post here so I don't know if I'm in the right place. My problem is this: I want to lose weight, but my parents don't want me to. When I told them I wanted to lose some pounds they told me that I shouldn't focus on the numbers and that I should just focus on being "healthy" (I have a numbers brain so I'm not a fan of vaguely described "health". I need to have a number). When I told them I was counting calories they said I shouldn't be doing that and said I should just "eat healthy" (again with the vagueness) or say "you can't eat your way to being healthy. Then when I tell them I want to be "healthy", they don't let me cook my own food. They cook all this rich food that is so good and when I try to make my own dinner they say "you can eat what's here or not eat at all". I try to just not eat dinner but am still made to sit with them at the table, which is when all that rich delicious food is right in front of me and I just can't help but make a pig out of myself. Are they in the right? Am I just being a brat? I genuinely don't know. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

submitted by /u/JebBoettger
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